Forum Discussion

Bob_Krysl's avatar
Level 2
14 years ago

After upgrade to 6.5.5 jobs will not go active and complete

After upgrading from 6.5.3 to 6.5.5, jobs are not running.  They will kick off but and a few will run and then after a short time no jobs will go active.  Jobs just sit queued or in an active state but unproductive.  Has anyone ran into issues like this after upgrading to 6.5.5?

  • I'm wondering if you might be experiencing the problem explained in this TechNote:

    BUG REPORT: In NetBackup versions 6.5.4 and 6.5.5 the nbjm log shows PBX attempting to use interfaces that are not defined in the bp.conf with SERVER entries.
    The above behavior may cause very large delays in processing information from the JM CallbackQueue, which in turn may result in many backup jobs being in a queued state.

9 Replies

  • Have you tried restarting the Netbackup services after upgrade.

    If not ,

    Please try if windows Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpdown -v -f

    once its get completely down run the command bpup -v -f

  • We are running on Solaris and we did restart the master and all media servers after the upgrade. We also tried killing all jobs, running an nbrbutil -dump and it was clean, we did a resetAll anyway and restarted the environment again. Immediately after the upgrade, jobs will kick off and complete for about 1 phase.   After that, jobs just sit in the monitor and do nothing. We are seeing a lot of issues with anything connecting to emm.  commands are reporting 800 error resource unavailable, some of the jobs that do complete writing the backup report a 71 at the end of the backup and report Error bptm (pid=2302132) cannot add fragment to image database, error = network connection timed out.

  • that kick off mean that the policy is deactivated?

    nbpemreq -updatepolicies
    that will show U the furure jobs

    I had a GREAT problem w/ the daylight saving here, look for the date.

    my nb server has outomatically updated time .. but 1 month and 1 hour... all jobs has gone ok for 1 day..
    when I set the rign date .. all jobs was waiting to next run 1 1 month.

  • Error reporting 800 is due to drive unable , it may happen if the drives are not configured properly or any mismatch.  After upgrades sometimes it may need to reconfigure drives .

    Please try to reconfigure drives for one of the media server and try backup on that and verify ...

  • we had the same kinda problem but on windows boxes

    restart of the services and installing the driver again fixed the problem

  • Have you confirmed in the patch installation logs that the installation was 100% successful? We have quite a number of customers on 6.5.5 (mostly Solaris) and have not seen any problems after the patch install.
  • Have you checked your Storage Units after the upgrade? Check that they haven't reset to Media Server = ANY. This has happened to me a fair few times in the past.

  • I'm wondering if you might be experiencing the problem explained in this TechNote:

    BUG REPORT: In NetBackup versions 6.5.4 and 6.5.5 the nbjm log shows PBX attempting to use interfaces that are not defined in the bp.conf with SERVER entries.
    The above behavior may cause very large delays in processing information from the JM CallbackQueue, which in turn may result in many backup jobs being in a queued state.