Forum Discussion

kakaluru's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Back up error

Hi All

4/18/2015 1:45:29 AM - mounted; mount time: 00:01:21
4/18/2015 1:45:29 AM - positioning 0031L3 to file 1
4/18/2015 1:45:33 AM - positioned 0031L3; position time: 00:00:04
4/18/2015 5:30:57 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=2032) from client ERR - failure reading file: D:\TUI\WebProjects\32_Phoenix_Book\StateB\FNCOW_IMPLEMENTATION\ext-portaltech\commonwebitems\.svn\pristine\0c\0cc89fab8348d6ed3fc538120e4d1d34bcfa40b6.svn-base (WIN32 2: Unknown error)
4/18/2015 5:31:32 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=2032) from client ERR - Snapshot Error while reading file: GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy164\TUI\WebProjects\32_Phoenix_Book\StateB\FNCOW_IMPLEMENTATION\ext-portaltech\commonwebitems\.svn\pristine\0c\0cc89fab8348d6ed3fc538120e4d1d34bcfa40b6.svn-base
4/18/2015 5:31:32 AM - Critical bpbrm(pid=2032) from client FTL - Backup operation aborted!
4/18/2015 5:32:15 AM - end writing; write time: 05:53:05
snapshot error encountered(156)
4/18/2015 5:32:16 AM - Error bpsched(pid=3776) backup of client exited with status 156 (snapshot error encountered)

Frequently i am facing above error. I followed below link though some times i am getting same error. Kindly advise on this.

  • Hi all

    I got resolve the issue. Back up happening smoothly now. If any issues i will come back.

    Thanks for your support.

12 Replies