Forum Discussion

BharadwajR's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Backup always failing with socket error

Backup is always getting failed for one client with socket error even after reInstalling Netbackup client and rebooting Server.

From master server,we are able to do resolve ip and host name with bpcIntcmd command.

We are able to telnet of the client with bpcd ,PBX and other ports from master server.

But bptestbpcd  is always getting socket error.


In client bpcd logs it is showing 

18:11:41.147 [17672.18124] <16> bpcd peer_hostname: gethostbyaddr failed to return peer host, herrno = 0

18:11:41.147 [17672.18124] <16> process_requests: Couldn't get peer hostname

18:14:48.363 [15240.16364] <2> setup_debug_log: switched debug log file for bpcd

18:14:48.363 [15240.16364] <2> bpcd main: VERBOSE = 0

18:14:48.363 [15240.16364] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\veritas\Netbackup\bin\BPCD.EXE

18:14:48.363 [15240.16364] <2> bpcd main: Got socket for input 540

18:14:48.363 [15240.16364] <2> process_requests: offset to GMT -19800

18:14:48.363 [15240.16364] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO

18:14:48.363 [15240.16364] <2> process_requests: setup_sockopts complete

18:14:50.613 [15240.16364] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: gethostbyaddr failed:The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.


It seems like Host name issue.

But Every config setting is fine in client and master server.

EXCEPT one problem.

We were able to telnet Master Server IP from client.

But we are unable to take telnet of master server Host name from client.

In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE files,Host files every thing is fine.

But still getting the socket error.

Please help.





  • We are unable to ping / telnet /nslookup Master server Hostname from client server

    Please double-check that Notepad did not add .txt to the hosts filename. (Extensions are normally hidden for known file types.)

    If you are unable to ping, telnet, nslookup, you are right - this is OS issue. Your Windows team need to resolve.

    One more thing:
    I had a similar issue when I added hosts file entry on my own laptop for our in-house demo appliance.
    The anti-virus software on my laptop prevented hosts file to be edited and hosts file was saved as hosts.txt.
    I had to temporarily disable AV in order to rename hosts file.

    Something else to check when OS lookup is sorted out:

    Ensure that Windows firewall is turned off on the client.

16 Replies

  • What is also worth a test is whether the client can actually resolve its own name ... short and FQDN  Its is worth also doing all of your tests with both the short and FQDN.

    If the client only has one IP address then put itself into its own hosts file as well as the Masters hosts file  .. but both using short and FQDN as it may just be that DNS is missing one of those

    Hope this helps

  • post updating correct host entries clear DNS cache on master and affected client

    ipconfig /flushdns

    ipconfig /registerdns

    then try with bpclntcmd from client.

    Also from master /bin/admincmd/bptestbpcd -client <clientname> -debug -verbose


    You can also repeat above after re-installing netbackup client if commands are missing.... (Download binaries from fileconnect ... it will be huge approx.1-2GB complete package of server, Remote admin console,search server and clients.)




  • If you use uppercase or camelcase names in your hosts file, you may want to have an alias that is strictly lowercase, as in:


    dotted.ip.address \t fqdn \t shortname \t alias \t alias



        T20000.some.domain     T20000      t20000

  • Linux and Unix are known for case sensitivity.. windows is exempted... 

  • I know this one keeps on popping up under 'Can you solve these?', but you will notice that this user has not been back to look for answers or mark/share solution.

  • We have moved the application to new server and taking up the backup.

    Sorry for late reply.

    Thank you all for sharing valuable knowledge.