Forum Discussion

Alexander_Harri's avatar
10 years ago

Backup policies with multiple retention levels


What is the best way to setup a backup with multiple retention levels? For example, for a number of backups, we are looking at configuring the following configuration:

Monthly full backups of the data. In a given 3 month period, 2 of the backups should be kept for 2 years and the last one kept for longer than that.

There is also talk of making the longer retention backup occur in specific months (not finalized yet).

Currently we do have some frequency based backup that do this on a weekly level and seem to not be running 2 backups in the same windows, but I am not sure how this will translate when the windows are a month long.

We are currently running Netbackup 7.6

Alexander Harris

  • Frequency based backups are your best shot. and yes, they do not trigger 2 schedules same time.and when the 2 scheduls are overlapped.. it will tirgger the fist one which one has the longer due.

    however when you have a fixed months to trigger the longer retenctions.. calender based schedules can do that better way..

    you can configure these longer retenction backups in seperate policy and rest all in another policy.. (do make sure these 2 policy schedules are not overlapped.)

    see the below artical to understand the frequency based backups from experts hand

  • It sounds like you could accomplish this with two Schedules, one with the first retention period and a second with the longer retention period.  I don't think you can make this happen without using the Calendar Schedule type.

    Just out of curiosity, why would you want two of the backups kept for two years and the third backup longer?  Are you talking about backups of different sets of data or is this all one policy?  More information would make it easier to give the best advice.

2 Replies

  • Frequency based backups are your best shot. and yes, they do not trigger 2 schedules same time.and when the 2 scheduls are overlapped.. it will tirgger the fist one which one has the longer due.

    however when you have a fixed months to trigger the longer retenctions.. calender based schedules can do that better way..

    you can configure these longer retenction backups in seperate policy and rest all in another policy.. (do make sure these 2 policy schedules are not overlapped.)

    see the below artical to understand the frequency based backups from experts hand

  • It sounds like you could accomplish this with two Schedules, one with the first retention period and a second with the longer retention period.  I don't think you can make this happen without using the Calendar Schedule type.

    Just out of curiosity, why would you want two of the backups kept for two years and the third backup longer?  Are you talking about backups of different sets of data or is this all one policy?  More information would make it easier to give the best advice.