Forum Discussion

mmeeggaann's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

Bare Metal Restore - boot server configuration

It is possible to edit the configuration of registered boot server?

The master server is also the boot server for Windows clients. The master has two enabled NICs, one for a  isolated network (to backup a few Solaris cients) and another for the production network to backup the rest of the clients (Windows, VMware, and so on).

 I registered the boot server using the bmrsetupboot command. From the NB console, the boot server is listed and under its properties I can see the IP address is  of the isolated network (for solaris servers), the wrong one.

I need to change the IP address to be the production network where the Windows client can be reached.


Thanks a lot.

  • >> but the the boot server ip address still is the isolated network one.

    This is happening because still your boot server host name resolving to the isolated network ip-address. You can confirm this by using nslookup command.

    >> Is there a way to force to use an specific IP?

    There is a way. You can do this by editing BMR database record to set ip-address manually. NOTE: this is not recommended though.

    1. Fire below command and make a note of record ID number.

    bmrs -o query -r database -table bootserver

    2. Convert the correct ip-address in dotted decimal fashion into a decimal number form.

    3. Open a file foo.sql and write a query:

    update bmrdba.bmr_bootserver set ipaddress=<decimal val> where ID=<the_ID>

    4. On successful, recheck bmrs to confirm the change.


    Instead i would recommend you to bring down the other NIC interface for a while and re-fire bmrsetupboot -register.

    Now it will resolve to production ip and setupboot will change the record automatically.



8 Replies

  • Make sure the BMR Boot server hostname resolves to correct ip which you required (production nw ip). Then run bmrsetupboot -register again. It should update BMR Boot server record with production IP address now.

    You can confirm this by using below command on BMR master (i think same machine in your case)

    bmrs -o query -r database -table bootserver



  • Thanks Mandar,

    I added the the following entry to the hosts file:

    ProductionIP       Bootserverhostaname

    To ensure the hostname be resolved to the correct ip address. Then, I ran again the command bmrsetupboot.exe -register but nothing changed. So, I did the following tasks: remove the SRTs, deregister the bootserver,  restart netbackup services and review that the boot server was not listed anymore. Then, I registered it successfully one more time.... but the the boot server ip address still is the isolated network one. I already verified it with the output of the query that you suggested...

    The ethernet adapter 8 correspond to the isolated network and the adapter 7 correspond to the production network. In fact, the server is added to DNS with the production ip adrress as must be. I don't understand, why the bmr boot server registration takes the incorrect Ip address?. Is there a way to force to use an specific IP?

  • >> but the the boot server ip address still is the isolated network one.

    This is happening because still your boot server host name resolving to the isolated network ip-address. You can confirm this by using nslookup command.

    >> Is there a way to force to use an specific IP?

    There is a way. You can do this by editing BMR database record to set ip-address manually. NOTE: this is not recommended though.

    1. Fire below command and make a note of record ID number.

    bmrs -o query -r database -table bootserver

    2. Convert the correct ip-address in dotted decimal fashion into a decimal number form.

    3. Open a file foo.sql and write a query:

    update bmrdba.bmr_bootserver set ipaddress=<decimal val> where ID=<the_ID>

    4. On successful, recheck bmrs to confirm the change.


    Instead i would recommend you to bring down the other NIC interface for a while and re-fire bmrsetupboot -register.

    Now it will resolve to production ip and setupboot will change the record automatically.



  •  I also prefered the second method.... let me do it and I'll update you with the results. Thanks

  • The Ip address of the boot server is point at the production one.  Now I'll test the restore of a windows server....

    Thanks a lot Mandar.

  • Mandar,

    In my environment the master server is going to be also the boot server for windows clients. After I ensure the boot server was configured to production IP address. I configured PXE service using the Boot server assitant  > PXE service conf wizard.

    The boot server is not a DHCP server. So, in order to allow the boot server to function as PXE server, the wizard asked to run the following commands on the DHCP server:

    netsh.exe dhcp server delete optionvalue 60
    netsh.exe dhcp server delete optionvalue 43
    netsh.exe dhcp server delete optiondef 60
    netsh.exe dhcp server delete optiondef 43

    Is this step mandatory?

    I already watched the first part of your BMR demo video and if  I'm not wrong, what you did was only  register the boot server...

  • This step is required in order to let the BMR pxe server know about DHCP server configuration. In the demo, we asked to run these commands on the boot server. The list of commands are displayed depenging on DHCP server and BMR BS are same or different.

    In case user wants to do BMR media based restore then PXE server configuration and execution of these commands is not required. This configuration is essential in case of NW based BMR restore.



  • The type of restore we trying to do is network based and the Boot  and DHCP servers are separated. So, I'm going to ask to the the admin to run those commands.
