Forum Discussion

mmeeggaann's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

Bare Metal Restore - boot server configuration

It is possible to edit the configuration of registered boot server? The master server is also the boot server for Windows clients. The master has two enabled NICs, one for a  isolated network ...
  • mandar_khanolka's avatar
    13 years ago

    >> but the the boot server ip address still is the isolated network one.

    This is happening because still your boot server host name resolving to the isolated network ip-address. You can confirm this by using nslookup command.

    >> Is there a way to force to use an specific IP?

    There is a way. You can do this by editing BMR database record to set ip-address manually. NOTE: this is not recommended though.

    1. Fire below command and make a note of record ID number.

    bmrs -o query -r database -table bootserver

    2. Convert the correct ip-address in dotted decimal fashion into a decimal number form.

    3. Open a file foo.sql and write a query:

    update bmrdba.bmr_bootserver set ipaddress=<decimal val> where ID=<the_ID>

    4. On successful, recheck bmrs to confirm the change.


    Instead i would recommend you to bring down the other NIC interface for a while and re-fire bmrsetupboot -register.

    Now it will resolve to production ip and setupboot will change the record automatically.

