Forum Discussion

littlefry's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Basic Disk Images

We have a media server with 16TB of basic disk storage used as temporary staging for backup images. After the images are written to disk they are written to tape using DSSU policies.   I need t...
  • ontherocks's avatar
    10 years ago

    1. Open NetBackup Java Console or Administration Console

    2. Go To "Catalog"

    3. Select "Copy 2" in Copies field

    4. Select Date Range

    5. In the Results pane. Right Click --> Filter --> Primary Copy --> equals to --> No

    6. This will show you all images that are duplicated but its Copy 1 still exists on disk storage unit.

    **** Make sure all the copy 2 images are duplicated from the specific disk storage unit*** if you have multiple disk storage unit. You can add filter specific for this media server, etc.

    7. Copy the contents on excel sheet and extract backup images from it.


    Now you can execute below command for expiring copy 1 image from the basic disk storage unit ::

    bpexpdate -backupid <backup id> -copy 1 -d 0 -force

    ***** Make sure to add "- copy 1" in the command otherwise it will expire both backup images ***