Forum Discussion

stucci's avatar
Level 6
8 years ago

bparchive and "multistream" ?

Hello everybody, I have a problem :) I have just configured a backup archive, but I can't know why when launch the script start more than 50 jobs archive.

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bparchive -p Prod_AIX_PBIAAP01_10years_archive -s UserArchive /opt/flussi/XXXXX/app/ITT/out/STORICO/* 

and I think that these jobs are not multistream, but seems 50 jobs that backup the same things.

I have killed 49 jobs and now run only one.

The backup size is about 1 TB and the FS is 100% full.

Master server Linux RH - Nbu

Media server Linux RH - Nbu7.6.1

Client AIX - Nbu 7.6.1


thank you, best regards

  • we resolved.

    the script started with bpstart_notify but we have not inserted the schedulation name only for FULL.

    In this mode every time that a backup ended ran a new archive!


6 Replies

    • stucci's avatar
      Level 6

      Hello Mike,

      bppllist Prod_AIX_PBIAAP01_10years_archive -L
      Policy Name:       Prod_AIX_PBIAAP01_10years_archive
      Options:           0x0
      template:          FALSE
      audit_reason:         ?
      Names:             (none)
      Policy Type:       Standard (0)
      Active:            yes
      Effective date:    04/01/2009 15:18:16
      Client Compress:   no
      Follow NFS Mnts:   no
      Cross Mnt Points:  yes
      Collect TIR info:      no
      Block Incremental: no
      Mult. Data Stream: no
      Perform Snapshot Backup:   no
      Snapshot Method:           (none)
      Snapshot Method Arguments: (none)
      Perform Offhost Backup:    no
      Backup Copy:               0
      Use Data Mover:            no
      Data Mover Type:           2
      Use Alternate Client:      no
      Alternate Client Name:     (none)
      Use Virtual Machine:      0
      Hyper-V Server Name:     (none)
      Enable Instant Recovery:   no
      Policy Priority:   0
      Max Jobs/Policy:   Unlimited
      Disaster Recovery: 0
      Collect BMR Info:  no
      Keyword:           (none specified)
      Data Classification:       Gold
      Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:    yes
      Client Encrypt:    no
      Checkpoint:        no
      Residence:         SLP_XXX_LTO6_10Years_DR
      Volume Pool:       NetBackup
      Server Group:      *ANY*
      Granular Restore Info:  no
      Exchange Source attributes:              no
      Exchange DAG Preferred Server: (none defined)
      Application Discovery:      no
      Discovery Lifetime:      0 seconds
      ASC Application and attributes: (none defined)
      Generation:      12
      Ignore Client Direct:  no
      Enable Metadata Indexing:  no
      Index server name:  NULL
      Use Accelerator:  no
      Client/HW/OS/Pri/DMI/CIT:  sbiXXX01-bck RS6000 AIX6 0 0 0 0 ?
      Include:           /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpstart_notify.Prod_AIX_PBIAAP01_10years_archive
      Schedule:              Lancio_archive
        Type:                FULL (0)
        Frequency:           7 day(s) (604800 seconds)
         Excluded Dates----------
            No specific exclude dates entered
            No exclude days of week entered
        Retention Level:     0 (1 week)
        u-wind/o/d:          0 0
        Incr Type:           DELTA (0)
        Alt Read Host:       (none defined)
        Max Frag Size:       0 MB
        Synthetic:           0
        Checksum Change Detection: 0
        PFI Recovery:        0
        Maximum MPX:         1
        Number Copies:       1
        Fail on Error:       0
        Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
        Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)
        Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
        Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
        Schedule indexing:   0
        Daily Windows:
         Day         Open       Close       W-Open     W-Close
         Sunday      000:00:00  000:00:00
         Monday      000:00:00  000:00:00
         Tuesday     000:00:00  000:00:00
         Wednesday   000:00:00  000:00:00
         Thursday    000:00:00  000:00:00
         Friday      000:00:00  000:00:00
         Saturday    022:00:00  027:00:00   166:00:00  171:00:00 003:00:00
      Schedule:              UserArchive
        Type:                UARC (3)
        Frequency:           7 day(s) (604800 seconds)
         Excluded Dates----------
            No specific exclude dates entered
            No exclude days of week entered
        Retention Level:     0 (1 week)
        u-wind/o/d:          0 0
        Incr Type:           DELTA (0)
        Alt Read Host:       (none defined)
        Max Frag Size:       0 MB
        PFI Recovery:        0
        Maximum MPX:         1
        Number Copies:       1
        Fail on Error:       0
        Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
        Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)
        Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
        Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
        Schedule indexing:   0
        Daily Windows:
         Day         Open       Close       W-Open     W-Close
         Sunday      000:00:00  168:00:00   000:00:00  168:00:00  
         Monday      000:00:00  000:00:00
         Tuesday     000:00:00  000:00:00
         Wednesday   000:00:00  000:00:00
         Thursday    000:00:00  000:00:00
         Friday      000:00:00  000:00:00
         Saturday    000:00:00  000:00:00
      • stucci's avatar
        Level 6

        after I have killed 49 jobs and let run only one, this one ended fine, it wrote 1 TB and after it cancelled the files.

        This new policy will start one to week, I am curios to see next run, now that the folder is cleaned.

  • How many files are under 


     What happens if you run the command without the asterix? 

    `/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bparchive -p Prod_AIX_PBIAAP01_10years_archive -s UserArchive /opt/flussi/XXXXX/app/ITT/out/STORICO/`


    • stucci's avatar
      Level 6

      hello Splash,

      a. 4771 files

      b. I don't tried without asterix, but it is a good idea, just for try. I don't would erase /STORICI folder.