I have 3 NIC on my client.
one for prod ,one for backup and one for storage.
when I run ipconfig/all,i have below nic and ip
Now when I run bpclntcmd -pn from client,Which nic's IP will go to master server for query?
nbu 7.1
bpclntcmd -pn
When the -pn option is run on a NetBackup host, it initiates an inquiry to the NetBackup master server, and the master server returns information about the requesting client to the requesting host. The information returned is, in effect, how the master server "identifies" the requesting host. The client contacts the first server listed in its servers list, found in the bp.conf file on UNIX/Linux clients (the SERVER= lines) and in the Backup, Archive, and Restore GUI, under File - Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type on a Windows client.
Bpclntcmd identifies the server replying to the request (the "expecting response from" line), and then it displays the information returned from that server. The following is an example of the output of the bpclntcmd -pn command:
> bpclntcmd -pn
expecting response from server master_server_01
client_01.domain.com client_01 3815
In the above example:
- The connection name (peername) is "client_01.domain.com"
- The configured client name is "client_01"
- The source IP from which the connection originated is
- The source port used to connect is 3815.
The master server resolved to "client_01.domain.com". The FQDN was not configured as a client in any policy, but the shortname "client_01" was present.
If the output showed *NULL* for the configured client name (as shown below), the client is not configured in a policy and does not show up in the image database.
> bpclntcmd -pn
expecting response from server master_server_01
client_01.domain.com *NULL* 3815
Review the policy configuration on the master server, and see if the peername is listed correctly in a policy.
NBU on master server contains Client name in policy. The IP address that master and media server knows about will be used to connect to client.
Client will connect back on the interface/IP that is used for this hostname.
In this case - it will probably round-robin.If there is a database on the client which means that the client will initiate comms to the master server, the 'Configured Client Name' will be used as source.
If this is the -bck name with 2 IP addresses, TCP/IP will choose any IP. This is outside of NBU control.You may want to read up in Admin Guide II chapter 4 about this topic:
Host name rules