Forum Discussion

schrammd's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

bpduplicate not creating new primary copy


I have a media failing and want to dup its contents to a new tape in the same pool. I cannot seem to trick it into doing this, have tried increasing the max number of copies to 4, have tried specifying a different destination pool, have tried specifiying the copy number, etc., and have ran out of ideas. Haven't seen another post which captures this exactly. All images on the tape are copy #2. The master was set to only allow 3 copies which is usually plenty (generally one for the DSU copy, one for primary tape, and one for the vaulted copy) but even increasing that limit made no diff. The pool the source currently resides in is called Primary and suspect this is maybe confusing the command but maybe not. None of these seem to work:

bpduplicate -id 056754 -dstunit T120_LTO5 -dp Primary -s 01/01/15 -e 03/25/15 -cn 2 -set_primary 1

bpduplicate -id 056754 -dstunit T120_LTO5 -dp Test -s 01/01/15 -e 03/25/15 -cn 2 -set_primary 1

bpduplicate -id 056754 -dstunit T120_LTO5 -dp Test -s 01/01/15 -e 03/25/15 -primary -set_primary 1

They all fail the same way basically:

Backupid image101_1425548649 copy 1 already exists
Duplicate of backupid image101_1425548649 failed, the entity already exists (226).

What does it take to make a new primary copy so I can destroy the old media? All images on the vaulted media are copy 1. There is no copy 3 that I can see, but will not let me create another copy.




  • If these are SLP, and the SLP did not complete, you cannot duplicate the first image.


    nbstlutil inactive -wait -backupid image101_1425548649

    nbstlutil cancel -wait -backupid image101_1425548649


    Then retry the duplication.

    Partially completed SLP cause error 191 when you try to duplicate.

15 Replies