Forum Discussion

nandolester's avatar
10 years ago

bpduplicate script for specific policies

Hi everybody


I have in my Netbackup environment daily and weekly duplications. The daily duplications are ran manually but the weekly duplications run by bpduplicate scripts. Follow my actual script:


bpduplicate -dstunit 6drivesLTO4Prod -dp Datasafe -rl -1 -fail_on_error 0 -set_primary 0 -primary -number_copies 1 -mpx -L "D:\VERITAS\NetBackup\Logs\NBduplicate\Dup-FDS-1_mpx.log" -hoursago 36 -M bnpbkp1


Now i need to change my script to select specific policies that will be duplicated. I checked all the parameters to be used with bpduplicate and found the parameter -policy. It worked perfectly with ONE policy but i need to run for 20 policies. I can make one script per policy but its crucial that all duplicatation run inside only ONE job.


There is a way to do that?


Best Regards and Tks.! :)

  • Did you change the schedule name, run a backup and then run the script?

    A backup run before you changed the schedule wil still have the old schedule name in its catalog entry.

8 Replies

  • Think you will have to use a BID (BackupID) file to make it one job.

    I would use bpimagelist to find the Backupids to be put in the BID file and then run bpduplicate with the BID file

  • Hi Michael,


    This script is setup in a windows task so if i need to run the bpimagelist manually the script will not be automatic either :(

  • bpduplicate has an option '-policy <name>'

    I am curious about your reasons for having to do duplicates this way while NBU have various options to automate duplications:
    NBU Vault
    Storage Lifecycle Policies
    Disk Staging

  • My thought was exactly the same. While bpduplicate was the tool to use in NBU 4 & 5 - NBU 6 introduced Storage LifeCycle Policies that handle all that for you.

    Best practices for using Storage Lifecycle Policies and Auto Image Replication in NetBackup 7.6

    The learning curve for SLP can be a little steep until you get the concept. But trust me - you will love SLP's


  • I dont think you can add multiple polcies on one command line but if you must use a script file then for this sort of thing i have used the schedule name (-sl switch in the command).

    Just make sure those policies all have the same schedule name (but that it is not used by other policies):

    bpduplicate -dstunit 6drivesLTO4Prod -dp Datasafe -rl -1 -fail_on_error 0 -set_primary 0 -primary -number_copies 1 -mpx -sl My_Schedule_Name -L "D:\VERITAS\NetBackup\Logs\NBduplicate\Dup-FDS-1_mpx.log" -hoursago 36 -M bnpbkp1

    Hope that helps

  • Hi Mark,


    I change the schedule name for one policy, just for test and ran the command
    bpduplicate -dstunit 6drivesLTO4Prod -dp Datasafe -rl -1 -fail_on_error 0 -set_primary 0 -primary -number_copies 1 -mpx -sl Full_diario_semanal_h -L "D:\VERITAS\NetBackup\Logs\NBduplicate\Dup-FDS-1_mpx.log" -hoursago 24 -M bnpbkp1.


    But i'm getting a job error

    12:10:55 INF - found no images or media matching the selection criteria


    I confirmed that i have a job for this policy this morning so the job exist.

  • Did you change the schedule name, run a backup and then run the script?

    A backup run before you changed the schedule wil still have the old schedule name in its catalog entry.