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NIKHIL234656595's avatar
13 years ago




sudo ./bprestore -C win23 -D win23  -R /tmp/dest_path -s 07/14/2012 -e 07/14/2012 /D/epo_Repository/epo46/Sitestat.xml   /D/temp/


When i run this above command i get the error,227 .


Please can anybody help what is the issue with this command.


I created a progress log file /tmp/dest_path but does not  insert anything in that file.


source server:win23


destination server:win23


source path: /D/epo_Repository/epo46/Sitestat.xml


destination path: /D/temp/

  • Possibly same issue here with bprestore?

    Try specifying the policy type also in your command line

    -t policy_type

              Specifies  one  of  the  following  numbers   that
              corresponds  to  the policy type. The default is 0
              for all clients except Windows, where the  default
              is 13.

    Looks like you're restoring for Windows client but via a *NIX server, therefore use the -t option to ensure it's using the correct default.

    Also ensure that the client name in the command is as it appears in the NetBackup catalog (typos, FQDN etc).

    Not sure whether your overall syntax is correct but it appears that initially it is not even finding what you want to restore

18 Replies


     cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin

     sudo ./bprestore -s 07/24/2012 -S win23 -C winHust -D winHust  -L /tmp/res/restore_log.txt  -R /tmp/res/alt_loc -f /tmp/res/filelist


     win23]$ pwd


    ]$ ls -ltr

    total 12

    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Jul 29 08:14 filelist

    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 50 Jul 29 08:19 alt_loc

    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 96 Jul 29 08:24 restore_log.txt


    $ cat filelist


    ]$ cat alt_loc

    change /D/epo_Repository/epo46  to /D/temp/<CR>

    cat restore_log.txt

    Restore started 07/29/2012 08:24:39


    08:24:48 ( INF - Status = no entity was found.

    still getting the error!!!!!!!!!!



    Master server name :win23

    client: winHust  

  • In the alt_loc file you have an extra space after the word 'to'

    change /D/epo_Repository/epo46  to /D/temp/<CR>

    You must have a carriadge return at the end of this line as well.

  • Status 227 means:
    For the criteria that you have specified, no backup can be found.

    As suggested twice before - please use bplist check that files were actually backed up successfully on the client that you believe has backed up the file that you want to restore.

    In your opening post, you have win23 as source and destination client:
      -C win23 -D win23 

    In your last post, you have win23 as Master and  winHust as source and destination client:

    -S win23 -C winHust -D winHust 

    So: first of all - confirm correct hostnames for master and source client.
    Then confirm policy type - if Windows policy and Unix/Linux master, you MUST add '-t 13'. The default on 
    Unix/Linux master is -t 0 (Standard).

    Before trying to restore, first verify backup with bplist:
    On master:

    bplist -C <client-name> -t <policy_type> -s 07/24/2012 -R 4 /D/epo_Repository/

    (-R 4 will list up to 4 levels deep. Default is 99.)

  • It should read

    "change /D/epo_Repository/epo46 to /D/temp/"

    (then hit the <Enter> or <Return> key to append the carriage return character)

    Don't actually type "<CR>" on the end of your path.

  • Thanks for pointing that out chris, reduce chance of mis-understanding




    $ cat filelist


    ]$ cat alt_loc

    change /D/epo_Repository/epo46  to /D/temp/<CR>

    cat restore_log.txt

    Restore started 07/29/2012 08:24:39


    1. file filelist should have complete path or only the file name?
    2. In the alt_loc file you have an extra space after the word 'to'

      change /D/epo_Repository/epo46  to /D/temp/<CR>

    So above line should be:

    change /D/epo_Repository/epo46  to/D/temp    ( here no space after to)


    Should i proceed now?



  • Sorry, I meant before 'to'

    change /D/epo_Repository/epo46 to /D/temp

    filelist should have the complete path.



  • Hi Martin,


    Still I am unable to restore .Please can you provide the example of a restore by bprestore.

    and the output of each file using cat command.