bprestore CLI command
I have this problem. I trying to restore some file using bprestore CLI command line
The sintax is the follow:
bprestore -B -L c:\temp\log1.txt -C source_server -D destination server -s 11/30/2008 -e 12/04/2008 -R C:\temp\pippo.txt -f C:\temp\topolino.txt
where pippo.txt is:
change /path/path1/ to /C/temp/CRSTD_BD/
and topolino.txt is:
The result is
in the GUI : Exit Status: 227 (no entity was found)
in dos-shell is:
Invalid line length in line:
EXIT STATUS 144: invalid command usage
Source server is an AIX machine , destination server is a windows machine. I used the upper case for the driver letter ( for windows system)
If I try to restore only a single file ( for example XXX810.DEL ) the restore works fine. The problem occured when I use the -f option.
So where is the problem ?
Thanks in advance
First of all see why you're getting status 227 (no entity found).
If you run bplist, do you see folders/files as expected? e.g.
bplist -C <source_client> -s 11/30/2008 -e 12/04/2008 -R 3 /You seem to be restoring Unix data to Windows?
If that's the case, you will probably have to add '-t 1' to bplist and bprestore commands to specify Standard policy type. The default on a Windows master will probably be 13 (MS-Windows-NT) for policy type.When bplist gives you the desired output, have a look this TN for bprestore cmd usage on Windows:
My personal experience when assisting a customer some time ago:
... cmd restore is NOT as simple as explained in the TechNote:
The RenameFile needs a <CR> at the end of the line!! If the <CR> is absent, the 'rename' does not work, and the data is restored to the original location.
This is what my commands/files looked like (we were restoring folders):
C:\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bprestore -B -L C:\Temp\log10.txt -R C:\Temp\restore -C jayaar -D jayaar -t 13 -f C:\temp\restorefile1
(-C = source client, e.g. FP02; -D = destination client, e.g FP04)
C:\Temp\restore :
rename 12 /C/marianne/ 13 /C/morejunk1/ (REMEMBER the <CR> at the end of the line!!!)
C:\temp\restorefile1 :