Forum Discussion

arsalanali's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

cannot connect to robotic software Daemon 42

Hello everyone,

when i inventory my robot it displays "cannot connect to robotic software Daemon 42" error.

i'm able to connect to robot through robtest, no problem there. i've run storage config wizard many times and it detects drives and paths successfully.

and also robot Enabled is displaying no.


any ideas..??
waiting for your kind response..

  • I deleted the robot and ran device configuration wizard, bingo.

    Robot is enabled and i'm able to do inventory as well.

    anyways thanks for everyones contribution.

10 Replies

  • library is SL500, Solaris 10 Netbackup 6.0

    library was functioning perfactly before..

  • You say 'it detects drives and paths successfully' - what about the robot?

    Please show processes running on Solaris master:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -x

    as well as devices detected:




    Below is the output of bpps -x
    NB Processes
        root   515     1   0 19:04:26 ?           0:03 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbemm
        root   502     1   0 19:04:19 ?           0:07 /usr/openv/db//bin/NB_dbsrv @/usr/openv/var/global/server.conf @/usr/openv/var/
        root   518     1   0 19:04:28 ?           0:01 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbrb
        root   512     1   0 19:04:22 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbnos
        root   575     1   0 19:04:35 ?           0:01 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbpem
        root   577   572   0 19:04:36 ?           0:00 sh -c "/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy" dblib nbjm
        root   568   567   0 19:04:33 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjobd
        root   572     1   0 19:04:34 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbjm
        root   564     1   0 19:04:32 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcompatd
        root   578   577   0 19:04:36 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbjm
        root   558     1   0 19:04:31 ?           0:01 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd
        root   567     1   0 19:04:33 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm
        root   587   575   0 19:04:38 ?           0:00 sh -c "/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy" dblib nbpem
        root   588   587   0 19:04:38 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbpem
        root   590     1   0 19:04:38 ?           0:01 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbsl
        root   583   575   0 19:04:38 ?           0:00 sh -c "/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy" dblib nbpem_email
        root   584   583   0 19:04:38 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbpem_email
        root   600     1   0 19:04:39 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbsvcmon
    MM Processes
        root  1353     1   0 19:15:15 ?           0:00 /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid
        root  1396  1353   0 19:16:28 ?           0:00 avrd
        root   541     1   0 19:04:31 ?           0:01 vmd
        root  1395  1353   0 19:16:26 ?           0:00 tldd
    Shared VERITAS Processes
        root   435     1   0 19:03:59 ?           0:00 /opt/VRTSat/bin/vxatd
        root   443     1   0 19:04:01 ?           0:01 /opt/VRTSaz/bin/vxazd
        root   991     1   0 19:08:49 ?           0:04 /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/pbx_exchange
    /dev/sg/c0t2l0: Tape (/dev/rmt/1): "HP      Ultrium 3-SCSI" 
    /dev/sg/c1t0l0: Changer: "STK     SL500"
    /dev/sg/c2t0l0: Disk (/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0): "HITACHI HUS10733ASUN72G"
    /dev/sg/c2t1l0: Disk (/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0): "HITACHI HUS10733ASUN72G"
    *********************** SDT_TAPE    ************************
    *********************** SDT_CHANGER ************************
    *********************** SDT_OPTICAL ************************
    Device Name  : "/dev/rmt/1cbn"
    Passthru Name: "/dev/sg/c0t2l0"
    Volume Header: ""
    Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
    Inquiry    : "HP      Ultrium 3-SCSI  G24S"
    Vendor ID  : "HP      "
    Product ID : "Ultrium 3-SCSI  "
    Product Rev: "G24S"
    Serial Number: "HU10638AP7"
    WWN          : ""
    WWN Id Type  : 0
    Device Identifier: ""
    Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
    NetBackup Drive Type: 16
    Removable      : Yes
    Device Supports: SCSI-3
    Flags : 0x0
    Reason: 0x0
    Device Name  : "/dev/sg/c1t0l0"
    Passthru Name: "/dev/sg/c1t0l0"
    Volume Header: ""
    Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
    Inquiry    : "STK     SL500           1092"
    Vendor ID  : "STK     "
    Product ID : "SL500           "
    Product Rev: "1092"
    Serial Number: "559000102437"
    WWN          : ""
    WWN Id Type  : 0
    Device Identifier: ""
    Device Type    : SDT_CHANGER
    NetBackup Robot Type: 8
    Removable      : Yes
    Device Supports: SCSI-5
    Number of Drives : 2
    Number of Slots  : 30
    Number of Media Access Ports: 5
    Drive 1 Serial Number      : "HU10638APY"
    Drive 2 Serial Number      : "HU10638AP7"
    Flags : 0x0
    Reason: 0x0
    i'm able to move catridges between drives and slots through robtest.
  • Is there more than one media server connected to the library?

    When you run the inventory have you selected the correct server in the robot control host selection?


    Also check out this one:

    as i see your library says it has 2 drives but one one shows in the scan


    Below is the Output of ./robtest command
    Configured robots with local control supporting test utilities:
      TLD(0)     robotic path = /dev/sg/c1t0l0
    Robot Selection
      1)  TLD 0
      2)  none/quit
    Enter choice: 1
    Robot selected: TLD(0)   robotic path = /dev/sg/c1t0l0
    Invoking robotic test utility:
    /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tldtest -rn 0 -r /dev/sg/c1t0l0 
    Opening /dev/sg/c1t0l0
    MODE_SENSE complete
    Enter tld commands (? returns help information)
    there is only one media server attached.
    can i do this.....
    delete the robot and then run device configuration wizard as it detecs robot successfully..????
    waiting for your kind response..
  • Not a problem with that if you have worked through our other advice

    Always worth noting the density currently used (HCART / HCART2 etc.) along with Bar Codes rules and MediaID Generation rules - plus the robot number (TLD(0))

  • I deleted the robot and ran device configuration wizard, bingo.

    Robot is enabled and i'm able to do inventory as well.

    anyways thanks for everyones contribution.

  • Glad to know all is well.

    tldcd was missing from MM Processes in bpps output.

    /var/adm/messages should have shed some light on problem with robotic daemon (tldcd).