Forum Discussion

yobole's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

Capacity licensing - front-end Data calculation

I have a Netbackup global agreement . I have a couple of media servers running spread accross globally and wondering how to calculate the front end data Capacity 

so as to know what to bill eqach region in trems of what we are backing uop in Netbackup 

  • Have you tried the built-in tool in Netbackup (at least fra

    Symantec NetBackup Traditional and Capacity License Deployment Utility (nbdeployutil)

    Run command, then follow on-screen innstruction:

    nbdeployutil --gather

    You will get a excel sheet with all the figure nicely ordered. Should be a cut and past job

    OpsCentre - if installed - can also do the job.

2 Replies

  • Have you tried the built-in tool in Netbackup (at least fra

    Symantec NetBackup Traditional and Capacity License Deployment Utility (nbdeployutil)

    Run command, then follow on-screen innstruction:

    nbdeployutil --gather

    You will get a excel sheet with all the figure nicely ordered. Should be a cut and past job

    OpsCentre - if installed - can also do the job.

  • Front-end capacity is the data that you protect on each client, regardless of amount of Full and Incremental backups.

    Calculate the equivalent of one full backup per client.

    Or use nbdeployutil.