Forum Discussion

netbackup_rooki's avatar
11 years ago

cat_export and cat_import

Hi guys, 

i found this earlier post which was very handy. Thanks Marriane.

i am running on solaris.

2 seperate domains.


I exported a backup id to default location /usr/openv/netbackup/db.export sueccessfully.


and also see noticed no errors when imprted at 2nd domain. I can see the backup id via the BAR and also it shows up if i search via the catalog option.

but when I try to restore a file, it keep popping up with a window stating select, date, client, master server. 


Only thing that i havn't done is that i have not inventoried the related tape yet into 2nd domain. but shouldn't this let me preview the tape id? or do i have to inventory the related media so a record for this media in the emmDB?

aprreciate your advice.




  • 1) you also needs to copy the image files from the 1st domain to 2nd domain.

    i would like to see the below command output in 2nd domain, it if it is listed there or not..

    bpimagelist -backupid <image id copied from 1st domain> -L

8 Replies

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  • Hello,

    could you show us the Screenshot of the restore window and the popup.

  • Also curious to see a screenshot.

    At this point, only image catalog is searched.
    Media will only be searched for in EMM once you start the restore.

    I am also curious to know if you have copied files in images folder as well as running cat_export and cat_import.

    Please share all steps that were followed?

  • I did not copied files in the /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images folder on 2nd domain. I simply created /usr/openv/netbackup/db.export and placed the images dir (exported from domain1) here and then ran cat_import.

    basically, its a no files Found window






  • 1) you also needs to copy the image files from the 1st domain to 2nd domain.

    i would like to see the below command output in 2nd domain, it if it is listed there or not..

    bpimagelist -backupid <image id copied from 1st domain> -L

  • basically i do not see the policyname_ctime_Full.f (data) file on domain 2 under /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/<clientname>/<ctime>/ 

  • Client:            <client name>
    Backup ID:         <client name>_1403562986
    Policy:            Test_policy
    Policy Type:       Standard (0)
    Proxy Client:      (none specified)
    Creator:           root
    Name1:             (none specified)
    Sched Label:       Full_Test
    Schedule Type:     FULL (0)
    Retention Level:   1 week (0)
    Backup Time:       Mon Jun 23 22:36:26 2014 (1403562986)
    Elapsed Time:      85 second(s)
    Expiration Time:   Mon Jun 30 22:36:26 2014 (1404167786)
    Compressed:        no
    Client Encrypted:  no
    Kilobytes:         32
    Number of Files:   2
    Number of Copies:  1
    Number of Fragments:   1
    Histogram:         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    DB Compressed:     no
    Files File Name:   Test_policy_1403562986_FULL.f
    Previous Backup Files File Name:   (none specified)
    Parent Backup Image File Name:   (none specified)
    SW Version:        (none specified)
    Options:           0x0
    MPX:               1
    TIR Info:          0
    TIR Expiration:    Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 (0)
    Keyword:           (none specified)
    Ext Security Info: no
    File Restore Raw:  no
    Image Dump Level:  0
    File System Only:  no
    Object Descriptor: (none specified)
    Previous BI Time:  Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 (0)
    BI Full Time:      Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 (0)
    Request Pid:       0
    Backup Status:     0
    Stream Number:     1
    Backup Copy:       Standard (0)
    Files File size:     876
    PFI type:     0
    Primary Copy:      1
    Image Type:        0  (Regular)
    Job ID:            7510045
    Num Resumes:       0
    Resume Expiration: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 (0)
    Data Classification:    (none specified)
    Data_Classification_ID: (none specified)
    Storage Lifecycle Policy:    (none specified)
    Storage Lifecycle Policy Version:    0
    STL_Completed:      0
    Remote Expiration Time: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 (0)
    Origin Master Server:  (none specified)
    Origin Master GUID:    (none specified)
    Snap Time:      Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 (0)
    IR Enabled:      no
    Client Character Set:     13
    Image On Hold:     0
    Indexing Status:   0
    Copy number:       1
     Fragment:         1
     Kilobytes:        32
     Remainder:        512
     Media Type:       Media Manager (2)
     Density:          hcart (6)
     File Num:         1
     ID:               SF5946
     Host:             <orignal media server host>
     Block Size:       262144
     Offset:           2
     Media Date:       Mon Jun 23 22:36:26 2014 (1403562986)
     Dev Written On:   2
     Flags:            0x0
     Media Descriptor:        ?
     Expiration Time:  Mon Jun 30 22:36:26 2014 (1404167786)
     MPX:              1
     retention_lvl:    1 week (0)
     Try to Keep Time:  Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 (0)
     Copy Creation Time:  Mon Jun 23 22:37:51 2014 (1403563071)
     Data Format:      Tar
     checkpoint:       0
     resume num:       0
     Key tag:          *NULL*
     STL tag:          *NULL*
     Copy on hold:     0



    but there is no .f file under db/image/client/*/

  • just copied the .f file over from domain 1 to domain 2 to /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/<clientname>/ctime/


    and it works but will test the restore once i have the domain available in domain2.


    thanks for looking into this for me and your time.

  • That is what I was trying to explain this morning....

    The documents in the post that you have found explains the 2-step images copy - 
    cat_export and cat_import for the header files and 'files' files (.f) in netbackup/db/images folder.

    Please do not forget to write-protect the tapes and to put them in a non-backup pool.

    If your issue was solved, please close off this discussion by marking a Solution or 'Request split solution' to mark more than one helpful post.