Forum Discussion

Shailesh_raj72's avatar
10 years ago

catalog backup Email attachment

Dear All,

SMTP configured but catalog backup details attachment email is not generating.




  • If you can use mailx to send the DR mail as attachment, but it's not generated from catalog backup, it could be Netbackup not able to call the mailx. Not sure what your OS is, you can check in the OS mail logs. 

    In Linux, it's /var/log/

    Nov 21 13:26:26 masterserver1 postfix/smtp[28424]: 6088C24750: to=<>,[]:25, delay=2.3, delays=0.04/0.01/1.6/0.7, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 OK id=1XsjPb-0007OC-4h)

    The line above shows that smtp receives a request to email out. If you see this line after catalog backup is run, Netbackup is not the problem you'll have to check why didn't you receive the email (could be mail server issue), if you don't see this line then you probably want to log a case with Netbackup support.


6 Replies

  • Can you use mailx as root user to send test email from the master server to the email address entered in Catalog policy?

  • In your catalog backup policy, did you have your email address configured, and have the "send an email attachment (recommended)" option checked?


  • Hi Watsons,

    yes email address configured and also send an email attachment option checked.

  • If you can use mailx to send the DR mail as attachment, but it's not generated from catalog backup, it could be Netbackup not able to call the mailx. Not sure what your OS is, you can check in the OS mail logs. 

    In Linux, it's /var/log/

    Nov 21 13:26:26 masterserver1 postfix/smtp[28424]: 6088C24750: to=<>,[]:25, delay=2.3, delays=0.04/0.01/1.6/0.7, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 OK id=1XsjPb-0007OC-4h)

    The line above shows that smtp receives a request to email out. If you see this line after catalog backup is run, Netbackup is not the problem you'll have to check why didn't you receive the email (could be mail server issue), if you don't see this line then you probably want to log a case with Netbackup support.


  • What platform?  There is a known bug for this on HPUX.