Forum Discussion

santave's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Catalog Backup


1. I have catalog backup 2 copies with different retention.
15days in Disk and 1Month in Tape. is it fine?
or I should make it same retention?

2. I changed catalog backup in disk, from 1Month to 15days.
To free the space directly, how to delete the catalog backup data older than 15 days (note: I still have 1Month retention catalog backup in Tape)


  • For manually deleting Catalog backup:

    1. Go to Catalog tab.

    2. Search for the backup by selecting Action tab as verify and select the particular policy from Policy tab.

    3. Then click Search now, for all catalog backup.

    4. Select one then right click and select Expire for deleting the Image. 

8 Replies

  • as you have changed the retenction on disk from 30 days to 15 days.. what ever the catalog backup happening after the change willl have the 15 days retenction and  will get expire automatically.

    for the images that are backupup before the retenction chage will expire at 30 days.. and if you want to expire then in 15 days you need to recaulcatute the expire date using the commmand

    bpexpdate -recaucluate -backupid <backupid> -d MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS



    and i have a query.

    you are doing the catalog backup to disk and then duplicating to Tape..

    so your Catalog DR file containts the info about the Disk Storage unit.. how you will identify the Tape iD  if you what to recover the catalogs in DIsastor recovery  from the Tape 

  • For manually deleting Catalog backup:

    1. Go to Catalog tab.

    2. Search for the backup by selecting Action tab as verify and select the particular policy from Policy tab.

    3. Then click Search now, for all catalog backup.

    4. Select one then right click and select Expire for deleting the Image. 

    what date I enter here? todays date?

    I have list catlog backup below, how i know which backupid in tape and disk?

    Time: Tue 03 Dec 2013 09:01:59 AM WI   ID: master1_1386036119   FULL (0)
    Time: Tue 03 Dec 2013 09:00:08 AM WI   ID: master1_1386036008   FULL (0)
    Time: Mon 02 Dec 2013 09:01:55 AM WI   ID: master1_1385949715   FULL (0)
    Time: Mon 02 Dec 2013 09:00:08 AM WI   ID: master1_1385949608   FULL (0)
    Time: Sun 01 Dec 2013 09:01:29 AM WI   ID: master1_1385863289   FULL (0)
    Time: Sun 01 Dec 2013 09:00:08 AM WI   ID: master1_1385863208   FULL (0)

    When doing catalog recovery from DR, will it find the primary copy 1st? if image not there will it find the 2nd copy?

  • When doing catalog recovery from DR, will it find the primary copy 1st? if image not there will it find the 2nd copy?

    NO, because DR file does not have the Info about the Duplication and coy 2


    you can find the info from the bpimagelist command or from the GUI catalog

    bpimagelist -backupid master1_1386036119  -L ----> will give you the long list and let you know the details of the copy.

  • NO, because DR file does not have the Info about the Duplication and coy 2

    I have different retention for disk and tape, also some catalog backup in disk was ever failed because diskfull. I also have deteled some old catalog backup in disk manually.

    Do you know how to recover catalog from the tape?

  • The DR file shoud be updated if you duplicate the catalog back, and should then contain the relevent information about the new copy.

  • agreed... i just verified that its been updated... now checking if its the updated DR file over the Mail or not.. 

  • Nothing to Worry, DR file is getting updated with the Duplicated info also.. so using the DR file will help to  recover from the Tape images also