Forum Discussion

jayaram226's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Change in Policy Attributes.

Hi All,

I have a Netbackup Master 7.0 master server, and I had to deactivate a policy.

Aftet deactivating, it was again Activated the very next day.

After activating Policy type changed to Standard, and now a Backup which is supposed to backup a  Db, is backing up the Folder of the script.


Does this happen in 7.0..???


Is this a bug..?


Please explain.


Thanks and Regards,

.Jayaram Balasubramanian.

  • This says to me that someone else has done it, not NBU itself.

5 Replies

  • I have never seen policy automatically reactivating with any version of NBU. Anyone else in your environment with access to NBU?

    I have seen database policies reverting to Standard when demo license keys expired.

    You may want to consider upgrading to a bit newer version of NBU?

  • I agree with Marianne - sounds like someone else may have made some changes!

    The only other possibility that I can think of (although it's unlikely) is if the policy was set to go into effect the next day once it was deactivated.

  • cd /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class

    ls -lrt |grep <concerned policy>

    It will show you the timestamp when the policy was last changed.

    As u said it changed to standard...u might see last changed time for info tab

    <Master Server>:/usr/openv/netbackup/db/class/<Policy> # ls -lrt

    total 4
    -rw------- 1 root root   51 Feb 10  2010 includes
    -rw------- 1 root root  110 Aug 31  2012 clients
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root root   96 Aug 31  2012 schedule
    -rw------- 1 root root 1048 Jun 29 20:54 info
  • Hi All,

    As Marianne said, I checked the License and there is no License expiry.

    Also, as per Gary's suggestion, I tried the command in /db/class, but I get only the last change I made from Standard to DB.


    Thanks and Regards,

    .Jayaram Balasubramanian.


  • This says to me that someone else has done it, not NBU itself.