Forum Discussion

girishnair1984's avatar
9 years ago

Changing Retention levels on Tape

Hi. We are using Symantec Netbackup 7.5 on Redhat Linux with standalone tape drive .  I have created backup policies with retention level= 2 months, and all backup's have been successfully complet...
  • RiaanBadenhorst's avatar
    9 years ago



    Please review the note on changing retention levels if you've not done so already


    Your backups are probably failing after you change the retention because your environment is set to not mix allow different retentions on a single media. You can update this on the host properties > media tab.


    You'll then be able to backup multiple retentions on to one tape. Please take note though that a media will not become available if a backup with a retention is still unexpired on it.