Forum Discussion

Genericus's avatar
5 years ago

update retention level and recalculate all images?

I backup all my images to a data domain at retention 00 - set to 4 weeks.

Then duplicate to tape at retention level 13 set to 8 weeks.

I am tight on space on the data domain and want to set retention 00 to 2 weeks and recalculate ALL images on the data domain. Both VTL and disk targets.

I know how to select images by tape id and recalculate, but can I simply issue a command to recalulate ALL images at retention 00?

Like "bpexpdate -recalculate -copy 1 -ret 00 -force" or "bpexpdate -recalculate -ret 00 -force"

I am concerned this will SET all image copy 1 to retention 00 - which would be bad since I know I have tapes that have been recopied and are now copy number 1.

Thanks in advance!

Now that I think about it, a command to recalculate all images at their retention value would work as well - do we have that?


  • I'm not able to understand something:

    Genericus wrote:

    Like "bpexpdate -recalculate -copy 1 -ret 00 -force" or "bpexpdate -recalculate -ret 00 -force"

    I am concerned this will SET all image copy 1 to retention 00 - which would be bad since I know I have tapes that have been recopied and are now copy number 1.

    Your backup to DD will create copy #1 on DD. The duplication from DD to tape will create copy #2 on tape.

    Are there some other images which are on tape and are copy #1?

    How about getting list of images on the DD using the folllowing and then changing the expiry date of those images only?

    bpimmedia -stype DataDomain -dp <POOLNAME> >/tmp/NBU_Images.txt

    Ref: bpimmedia 8.1.2



  • So looks like i have a solution that is a combination of scripts - 

    1. for each tape in the data domain vtl - list the images and bpexpdate -recalculate -ret 00

    2. for each image in the bpimmedia -stype DataDomain  run the bpexpdate -recalculate -ret 00 

    NOTE - these take a long time to run. Then I have to clean the data domain to recover the space.

  • Hi
    This understanding is wrong
    “I am concerned this will SET all image copy 1 to retention 00 - which would be bad since I know I have tapes that have been recopied and are now copy number 1.”

    When you create a copy of an image the copy number increments to copy2 but it does not decrease if copy1 expired. However “Primary Copy” attribute get transferred to Copy2 from Copy1.

    If this is still not the case then you must have backup I’d with you to set the desired retention levels. You can put backup ids in file and apply a loop to set retention level.

    Hope it helps.
  • X2's avatar

    I'm not able to understand something:

    Genericus wrote:

    Like "bpexpdate -recalculate -copy 1 -ret 00 -force" or "bpexpdate -recalculate -ret 00 -force"

    I am concerned this will SET all image copy 1 to retention 00 - which would be bad since I know I have tapes that have been recopied and are now copy number 1.

    Your backup to DD will create copy #1 on DD. The duplication from DD to tape will create copy #2 on tape.

    Are there some other images which are on tape and are copy #1?

    How about getting list of images on the DD using the folllowing and then changing the expiry date of those images only?

    bpimmedia -stype DataDomain -dp <POOLNAME> >/tmp/NBU_Images.txt

    Ref: bpimmedia 8.1.2



    • Genericus's avatar

      If you backup - you get image copy number 1. If you duplicate that you get image copy number 2. If you duplicate either copy 1 or 2 you get copy number 3. UNLESS - a copy expires. These copy numbers never change.

      If you backup at 2 week retention and duplicate to 1 year retention, then 6 weeks later make an infinite copy - you will create copy 1 as infinite and the 1 year copy will retain copy number 2.

      I have updated from LTO2 to LTO5, so all my oldest infinite backups have various copy numbers. Since I copied them to disk then to tape.

      I have both disk and VTL targets on DD, I was wondering how to recalc the boost images. Looks like your command might work to find those.

      bpimmedia -stype DataDomain -dp <POOLNAME> >/tmp/NBU_Images.txt


  • X2's avatar

    Genericus wrote:

    I am tight on space on the data domain and want to set retention 00 to 2 weeks

    Just noticed the above. Because of the deduplicaition on the DD, the savings might not be that much after reducing retention. It will reduce your compression ration at least a bit.

    Also, do not forget the start a manual cleanup after the retention change to actually gain the space on the DD. Still would suggest to start looking at expansion though.


    • Genericus's avatar

      Dedupe - delete 50% of the data ( from 4 weeks to 2 weeks retention ) and get back only 10% space...


      • Genericus's avatar

        So looks like i have a solution that is a combination of scripts - 

        1. for each tape in the data domain vtl - list the images and bpexpdate -recalculate -ret 00

        2. for each image in the bpimmedia -stype DataDomain  run the bpexpdate -recalculate -ret 00 

        NOTE - these take a long time to run. Then I have to clean the data domain to recover the space.