Forum Discussion

cctns's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

Client list is blank in NBU Admin Console

At path=NBU Admin Console->Actions->Configure Client->Client Properties window appeared (after making changes in hosts file for master and client)

But List of client is blank at path=NBU Admin Console->Host Properties->Clients->List of clients is blank.

How we can see entry for Clients at Path=NBU Admin Console->Host Properties->Clients

Thanks for your support! 

  • NBU Admin Console->Host Properties->Clients

    This list updates when you add any clients in the NetBackup Policy.


5 Replies

  • NBU Admin Console->Host Properties->Clients

    This list updates when you add any clients in the NetBackup Policy.


  • Have you created backup policies yet? Client list in Host Properties is pulled from Policy database.
  • cctns:


    You do not state in your post if the clients were visible before you made the changes to the host files for the clients and Master.

    If these are new clients then add the clients to a backup policy as indicated above.

    If these are existing clients who were previously available through host properties then check the changes you made to the etc/hosts files on the client and the master. It is important to remember that Netbackup uses hostnames to authenticate between Master/media and Clients. Each Entry should adhere to the following format:

    ip address <tab> short name <tab> FQDN

    From Admin Console>Host Properties>Client

      Select client name in right pane. If the Master fails to connect the check hostname resolution

    To verify hostname resolution run the following commands:


    Program Files\Veritas\Netbackup\bin



      bpclntcmd -hn <server name>

      bpclntcmd -pn < reverse lookup from client to master>

     bpclntcmd -ip <server ip address>


    The following documentation will assist you in troubleshooting client connectivity issues:


  • Hi All,

    Thanks for suggestions!

    i have solaris client to be back up. before making changes to host file client was not visible, after changes I am able to configure below:-

    NBU Console->Host Properties->Configure Client-Using IP address (Result is Client Properties window appeared)

    After creating policy for solaris backup client it is appearing in client list.

    I am facing problem:- I have 2 MySql server- in which i am installing zmanda client MySQL-zrm-client-3.7-solaris.pkg and OS is SunSolaris x86 but OS is giving WARNING-

        The <SMCtar> package "SMCtar GNU tar" is a prerequisite
        package and should be installed.
        The <SMCgpgme> package "SMCgpgme GNU gpg" is a
        prerequisite package and should be installed.
        The <SMCsudo> package "SMCsudo GNU sudo" is a
        prerequisite package and should be installed.
        The <SMCgrep> package "SMCgrep GNU grep" is a
        prerequisite package and should be installed.
    SMCcoreu> package "SMCcoreu GNU coreutils

    Please share the link from where these package can be downloaded to install for Solaris x86 OS (backup client)

  • Your latest post is a new issue that I have moved to a new discussion:

    I believe your initial query about client list has been answered.

    Client list in Host Properties gets its information from Policies. 

    Please mark solution for the most helpful post and move on to new discussion.