Forum Discussion

noazara's avatar
Level 6
6 years ago

clients in active policies only

Hi Guys,


i have the below script to find the clients in activie policies only.


[root@bkp01 admincmd]# cat

activeclients () {
bppllist -allpolicies | awk '$1=="CLASS" {pl=$2;set=0}
$1=="INFO" && $12==0 {set=1}
$1=="CLIENT" && set==1 {print $2}' | sort

for client in `activeclients`
echo "$client:c"
bppllist -byclient $client | awk '$1=="CLASS" {printf("%s ",$2)}'
echo ""



But this script gives the client name present in deactivate policy also.I need clients present in active policies only with daily schedule configured.Please help me in changing the script parameter for the same.


output from the script:


[root@bkpma01 admincmd]#  ./ > 1.txt
./[16]: -u: not found

[root@bkpma01 admincmd]# cat 1.txt

bkpolicy2  bkpolicy2-VM

bkpolicy3  bkpolicy3-VM   bkpolicy3_FF

bkpolicy4  bkpolicy4-VM   bkpolicy4_FF

  • noazara

    I do not have an active NBU installation to test myself.
    Please 'play' with samples found in this forum. 

    If you run the 1st part of above command : bppllist -L -allpolicies  | egrep "^Policy Name: |^Active:" 
    You should see something like this:  (I have used nbsu bppllist output from a customer)

    Policy Name: ADHOC_UNIX
    Active: no
    Policy Name: ADHOC_WINTEL
    Active: yes
    Policy Name: XXX_CATALOG
    Active: yes
    Policy Name: LINUX_DEV
    Active: yes

    If you then add 
    to the 'egrep' section, you will see the client names as well. 
    | grep -v no
    will exclude all inactive policies. 

    Yes, the output will look 'messy', but you can use your scripting skills to tidy up the output. 

    I have managed to do the following with output of bppllist -L -allpolicies > NBU_bppllist.txt :

    cat NBU_bppllist.txt |egrep "^Policy Name: |^Active: |^Client/HW" |grep -v no >active.txt
    cat active.txt |grep Client |awk '{print $2}'|sort -u

    Also have a look at this post:

3 Replies

  • noazara

    I see that you have found this post:

    There is problem with display in this forum that changes a ':' followed by a '|' into a smiley face: :|  

    So, when I insert a space between the 2 (after Policy Name), it looks like this : 
    bppllist -L -allpolicies  | egrep "^Policy Name: |^Active:" | paste - - | awk '$NF~yes { print $3 }' | xargs -i bpplclients {} -noheader 2> /dev/null | awk '{ print $3 }'

    Please try again.

    • noazara's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi marianne,


      This is giving no output:


      [root@bkpma01 admincmd]#  ./bppllist -L -allpolicies  | egrep "^Policy Name: |^Active:" | paste - - | awk '$NF~yes { print $3 }' | xargs -i bpplclients {} -noheader 2> /dev/null | awk '{ print $3 }'
      [root@bkpma01 admincmd]#

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6


        I do not have an active NBU installation to test myself.
        Please 'play' with samples found in this forum. 

        If you run the 1st part of above command : bppllist -L -allpolicies  | egrep "^Policy Name: |^Active:" 
        You should see something like this:  (I have used nbsu bppllist output from a customer)

        Policy Name: ADHOC_UNIX
        Active: no
        Policy Name: ADHOC_WINTEL
        Active: yes
        Policy Name: XXX_CATALOG
        Active: yes
        Policy Name: LINUX_DEV
        Active: yes

        If you then add 
        to the 'egrep' section, you will see the client names as well. 
        | grep -v no
        will exclude all inactive policies. 

        Yes, the output will look 'messy', but you can use your scripting skills to tidy up the output. 

        I have managed to do the following with output of bppllist -L -allpolicies > NBU_bppllist.txt :

        cat NBU_bppllist.txt |egrep "^Policy Name: |^Active: |^Client/HW" |grep -v no >active.txt
        cat active.txt |grep Client |awk '{print $2}'|sort -u

        Also have a look at this post: