Forum Discussion

Jonathan_Lamber's avatar
12 years ago

Command line backup verification Not show exchange backups only OS.

Hi,  I have a exchange and OS backups setup on a client and when I try to run a backup verification on the client side using the bpclimagelist.  I am ony getting the NT backups and not the exchange backups.  Does anyone know what I need to do to get the exchange backup to show up?  Maybe I have something setup wrong on the client side or what am i doing wrong. I have tired this on a few of our customer environment with the same results. 


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
c:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclimagelist -t full
Backed Up         Expires       Files      KB     C Sched Type   Policy
----------------  ---------- -------- ----------- - ------------ ------------
08/11/2012 21:01  09/15/2012    42186    10949535 N Full Backup  X_DP-NT-X
c:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>
any help would be greatly appreciated
  • Have you tried to combine name and type?

    bpclimagelist -client <Virtual name> -ct 16

15 Replies

  • Marianne, sometimes in troubleshooting a technical problem one has to put on psychology hat as well:

    "what else are you not telling us?"  blush


    Yes I am put in the virtual name but still not getting any of the exchange backups and I am only seeing the NT backups.

    c:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclimagelist -client Virtual name 

    Then if I check the OS backups it works with no issue (See below).  

    c:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclimagelist -ct 13

    Backed Up         Expires       Files      KB     C Sched Type   Policy

    ----------------  ---------- -------- ----------- - ------------ ------------

    08/20/2012 21:00  09/24/2012      438      573995 N Incr Backup  X_X-NT- physical server

    08/19/2012 21:00  09/23/2012      328      542581 N Incr Backup  X_X-NT- physical server

    08/18/2012 21:00  09/22/2012   100450    12818999 N Full Backup  X_X-NT- physical server

    c:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclimagelist -ct 16


    If I check the backups on the virtual all I get is the NT backup

    c:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclimagelist -client Virtual name

    Backed Up         Expires       Files      KB     C Sched Type   Policy

    ----------------  ---------- -------- ----------- - ------------ ------------

    08/20/2012 21:00  09/24/2012      438      573995 N Incr Backup  X_X-NT- physical server

    08/19/2012 21:00  09/23/2012      328      542581 N Incr Backup  X_X-NT- physical server

    08/18/2012 21:00  09/22/2012   100450    12818999 N Full Backup  X_X-NT- physical server

    I do not know if it is something I am wrong (more than likely) or if it is NBU not seeing the exchange backups.   I can see them in the GUI. That’s why I am confused.  So it is not seeing the Virtual client name at all.  I have the physical server and Virtual client listed in the source client under Specify netbackup machines and policy type.  Has anyone else had this issue?

  • Have you tried to combine name and type?

    bpclimagelist -client <Virtual name> -ct 16

  • AWESOME!!!  So i am an idot!  I do not know why I didn't try that!  GRR  I am so Embarrassed blush!   Thank you Marianne!  

  • As I said

    You do have to be very careful with the options you do or don't supply.
