Forum Discussion

richardsantos's avatar
13 years ago

How to move robotic controller host

I'm planning to move a robotic controller host to a newly created NBU master server. How can I move robotic controller host currently the robotic controller host was attached to media server the OS is AIX. What is the command or dou you have tech document on how to move the robotic controller host.

  • General steps to move the robot control to windows master.

    • Make sure that Robot is detected by Windows OS of the master.
    • Move the tapes recognized by media server (original robot controlled host) to standalone, using master GUI NBconsole > Media and Device Management > Media. Highlight the media in robot and right click  move and move them to standalone.
    • In Master NBconsole GUI > Media and Device Management > Devices > Robots. Open the robot properties for new master server and change the robot control "Robot is controlled locally by this device host". Click the browse button and point to changer path and click OK.
    • Now change the robot control for media server to "Robot Controlled is handled by remote host" and mention the name of newly controlled robot host.
    • If you have more than one media server is same NB domain, you have follow step 4 for all other media servers.
    • Restart NBU services on Master and media server and inventory robot via master (new robot host).

8 Replies

  • Please tell us more about 'newly created NBU master server'?

    Is this 'new master' replacing an old Windows master? Catalog recovered on new server?
    Or are you trying to migrate from HP or AIX master to Windows master?
    Where does the AIX media server fit in the picture?


  • General steps to move the robot control to windows master.

    • Make sure that Robot is detected by Windows OS of the master.
    • Move the tapes recognized by media server (original robot controlled host) to standalone, using master GUI NBconsole > Media and Device Management > Media. Highlight the media in robot and right click  move and move them to standalone.
    • In Master NBconsole GUI > Media and Device Management > Devices > Robots. Open the robot properties for new master server and change the robot control "Robot is controlled locally by this device host". Click the browse button and point to changer path and click OK.
    • Now change the robot control for media server to "Robot Controlled is handled by remote host" and mention the name of newly controlled robot host.
    • If you have more than one media server is same NB domain, you have follow step 4 for all other media servers.
    • Restart NBU services on Master and media server and inventory robot via master (new robot host).
  • Yes Marianne

    It is a new hardware for New Master Server We replaced the Old NBU Master Server. Catalog has been recovered, The robotic control host resides in HP UX Media Server. What is the command for moving the robotic control host to the New NBU Master server. Based on searching in symantec sites there's a command like "ioscan". I need a specific command to move the robotic control host.





  • There is no command for moving robot control.
    ioscan is HP-UX command to report devices visible at OS level.

    Robot move is a 2-phase process:

    1. Physical move
    2. Logical move

    In the physical phase your steps will depend on robot interface - SCSI or SAN attached.
    Ensure robot is visible in Windows Device Manager as 'Unknown Medium Changer'.
    Stop and disable Removable Storage Manager service.

    Logical steps are listed in Rizwan's post.

    If you are no longer going to use HP-UX media server, please follow proper steps to decommission it (nbdecommission).

  • It is a logical move we're not moving the robotic control host physically, The HP-UX media server connected to SAN environment and we will not decommision it. I also found a technote referring to move the robotic control host. see technote


  • TN steps are similar to Rizwan's steps.

    TN does not mention Windows.
    Requirement for Windows is to see 'Unknown Medium Changer' in Windows Device Manager.
    On Win2003, you need to stop and disable RSM service.