Forum Discussion

demo4119's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

CORBA communication error (195)

after i have upgraded my netbackup master from 6.0MP5 to 6.5 then to 7.5 and upgrading of the Netbackup master server completed successful .

But when i reboot the HP unix media server which is still running on 6.0MP5 media server with tape storageunit the status of the media server is showing active for disk only when i run a nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose.

So i have tried to run a nbemmcmd -getemmserver from the affected hp unix media server and i got this output showing below. I have also checked that the port 1556 , 13724 and 13722 is open between master bi-directional using the telnet.

NBEMMCMD. Version:6.0MP5(20060530)
The function returned the following failure status:
CORBA communication error (195)
Command did not complete successfully.

  • Might just be quicker to upgrade the media servers than investigate this.

    To be honest, I agree it should be working, but these are an old level, and any backup environment is best it everything is up-to-date.

    6.x  is out-of-support soon, so I'd just upgrade them - hopefully this will resolve the issue.


14 Replies


    In Upgrade Portal, they say that mixed version of NBBU Master at 7.5 is compatible with 6.0 media servers.

    But it doesnt happen in reality i found many facing the same issue after upgrades with mixed version of MAster at 7.5 and nedia at 6.0 on Windows Linux, Solaris.

    I did gave a call to Symantec support. 

    Their solution was to do a media server upgrade which is not possible as immediate solution.

    My media servers are SAP production servers so the suggestion from Symantec not always helps.

    What if my OS onthis media Server is not compatible for NBU 7.5. 

    You dont get anny support only upgrade  is the solution.


    I wish Symantec should add this to upgrade portal to avoid possible issues like this.

  • I have verified on my test environment . this error will be resolved if upgraded to netbackup 6.5 at less.

  • Since you have followed Martin's advice to upgrade, I have moved solution to his post.