Forum Discussion

Don_w's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

db2 backup with difference retention


We are facing an issue with db2 monthly backup thru NBU 7.1. Our client server is AIX and db2 version is 9.7. We are using “user exit” method to backup the db. We managed to configure the daily backup & daily transaction logs backup and it work fine. Restoration of the DB2 is also works perfectly.

Our problem starts when we want to configure different retention level between our daily and monthly backup policy. Based on our understanding to configure different retention level between Daily (2 weeks) & Monthly Backup (1 year) we need to configure separate policy for each retention.  But when we add in a Monthly Policy (separate script), the Montly Full backup was running as expected but somehow it took the Daily logs policy backup instead of the monthly logs backup. We did tried adding this parameters in the scrips(OPTIONS "DB2_POLICY=policy_name:DB2_SCHED=Schedule_name) but it did not help to solve this issue. Our plan is to configure policies as below :

Daily Policies (retention 2 weeks):

  1. Daily_DB2 <at the end of this policy it will call Daily_Transaction_Logs policy>
  2. Daily_Transaction_Logs

Monthly Policies (retention 1 year):

  1. Monthly_DB2 <at the end of this policy it will call Monthly_Transaction_Logs policy>
  2. Monthly_Transaction_Logs

Need NBU gurus to advice on how to make the Monthly db backup trigger the monthly transaction logs instead of the daily transaction policy.

Any help would be appreciated.

5 Replies

  • so , you must have the script in the backup selection.. does it?

    could you provide the bppllist <policyname> -U for all 4 policies..

  • i believed the logs was called by the same scripts. During db2 backup, logs backup was triggered as well and will be using the log policy that was created.

    We are using nbu to schedule the backup.


  • hi Don,

    I am not seeing anyting which would call log even daily/monlty scripts..

    did Transaction_Logs are called by some other script? 


    how backups are starting.. are they from netbackup scheduled.. or scheduled form client side?

    if they are from client side what is the command they are calling..?

    did any backup selection avaliable in the policies?


    when daily backup running did you see seperate policy in the activity moniter for Transition logs>

  • hi ,

    my understanding is , you have total 4 policies created..

    2 for daily... out of 2 one for Db2 and one for logs

    2 for Montly out of those one of db2 and one for logs.


    based on your info, its clearly telling me that your Montly script is calling the daily logs.. , you need to change something in monthly scripts

    could you post both scripts (daily and monthly)as a attachment...?