Forum Discussion

Sparxxx's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

Deleted clients from Policy

Hi guys. I have accidentally deleted a lot of clients from a policy and would like to add them back. The problem is I can't remember all of them which belonged to that policy.

Is there a way to see this in a log somewhere? 



  • restoring from catalog backup would be the better idea..


    another way is when you have the policy name.... you need to find it from the reports..

    go to Netbackup GUI---> reports --->staus of backups.. > and run the report for all with the time frame of 10-15 days.. ( depends on the frequency of the backups) and run the report

    it will list all the backup jobs, filter the report with Policy name --- you can find all the clients try to make backup using the policy with in the time frame that you have used, remove the duplicate entires and use them.


  • Why don't you restore the policy from backup?

    The file you are looking for is:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/db/class//<policyname>/clients  (Unix)

    <install_path>\veritas\netbackup\db\class\<policyname>\clients (Windows)

  • Accidently? a lot of clients? LOL!

    If you have admin log enabled on the master server you should be able to trace client names.

    The restore that revaroo mentioned above can be done if you have a catalog backup.

    You can browse the hot catalog backup similar to a normal file system backup using the BAR GUI. Just select the master as source and destination client and select the backup type as Catalog backup.


  • thanks for your info. 

    I can only restore 1 week back and that file also does not contain all the servers. It happened about 10 day ago.

  • restoring from catalog backup would be the better idea..


    another way is when you have the policy name.... you need to find it from the reports..

    go to Netbackup GUI---> reports --->staus of backups.. > and run the report for all with the time frame of 10-15 days.. ( depends on the frequency of the backups) and run the report

    it will list all the backup jobs, filter the report with Policy name --- you can find all the clients try to make backup using the policy with in the time frame that you have used, remove the duplicate entires and use them.


  • catalog retenction is only one 1 week? not a good idea.... you need to increase the retenction of it

  • you only have a catalog backup going back one week? Really?

    You have no Monthly or yearly backup?


  • I would have ran this command

    bpimagelist -policy  policy_name_you_deleted_clients_from -hoursago 2400 -l |grep ^IMAGE |awk '{print $2}' |sort -u

    This should give you back the client's names which were backed up by this policy in last 2400 hours...

    Then you can run this

    bpplclients policy_name_you_deleted_clients_from -noheader |awk '{print $3}'

    so you will have two lists: what clients were in last 2400 hours and whare are right now... so you should be set.

  • thanks guys. I have restored the clients using the solution suggested by Nagalla.

    Thanks again!

  • A twist on Nagellas idea:


    bperror -l -backstat -s info -X -d 1379077131 -e 1381755552 -M <masterhostname> | awk '/POLICY <policyname>/ {print $12}' | sort -u