Forum Discussion

Nayabsk's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

Drive replacement failing

Hi All,

We have a drive replaced and was trying to replace the drive but i wam getting the error below , Can anybody help me to fix it please.


zsswmasb1:~ # cd /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/
zsswmasb1:/usr/openv/volmgr/bin #
zsswmasb1:/usr/openv/volmgr/bin # ./tpautoconf -report_disc
======================= Missing Device (Drive) =======================
 Drive Name = Drive002
 Drive Path = nrst0a
 Inquiry = "IBM     ULT3580-TD4     B710"
 Serial Number = 0007850518
 TLD(0) definition Drive = 15
 Hosts configured for this device:
  Host = zsswmasb
======================= Missing Device (Drive) =======================
 Drive Name = Drive003
 Drive Path = nrst0a
 Inquiry = "IBM     ULT3580-TD4     7BG2"
 Serial Number = 0007852091
 TLD(1) definition Drive = 15
 Hosts configured for this device:
  Host = zsswmasb
zsswmasb1:/usr/openv/volmgr/bin # ./tpautoconf -replace_drive Drive002 -path /de                                                                                        v/nrst0a
Operation failed, could not find device with path /dev/nrst0a
zsswmasb1:/usr/openv/volmgr/bin # ./tpautoconf -replace_drive Drive002 -path /de                                                                                        v/rmt/nrst0a
Operation failed, could not find device with path /dev/rmt/nrst0a
zsswmasb1:/usr/openv/volmgr/bin #
zsswmasb1:/usr/openv/volmgr/bin #
zsswmasb1:/usr/openv/volmgr/bin # ./tpautoconf -replace_drive Drive002 -path /de                                                                                        v
Operation failed, could not find device with path /dev
zsswmasb1:/usr/openv/volmgr/bin # ./tpautoconf -replace_drive Drive002 -path nrst0a
Operation failed, could not find device with path nrst0a
zsswmasb1:/usr/openv/volmgr/bin #




  • nrst0a is visible on both filer. Just reconfigure drives using Device Configuration Wizard.

15 Replies