Forum Discussion

Jeds7755's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

DSSU Image Clean Area Message Follow Issues With DSSU & Fix

Environment:      Master Server: Solaris 10

                              Media Servers (Windows 2003 & 08)

                              DSSU presented on both master and our 3 media servers


I really would welcome some advice from the community following an issue (known issue)

RESOLVED: VIA fault ETRACK 2785515 and fixed Symantec EEB)

All affected DSSU staging units had to be manually cleared by the following method.

Record All Attributes Of Storage Pool



3) Expire all Images with verified copy 1

4) Import any lost images from the 190 errors from bpduplicate process

3) Use Windows File Explorer to delete all images

4) Ensure that Staging pool zero and sees changes

5) Delete Staging pool from Netbackup and format disk 4096 K rec size.

7) Add new storage unit within Netbackup

8) Checked Restore Images

9) Run backups

10) Manually relocate from disk to tape

11) Test restores

During the mediation work I discovered that our installation had two drives both labelled Drive F presented to media server 3 and 4.

Following STEP 7 : I decided rename drive F on media server 3 as drive J.

Since then the image clean-up of process has reported the following error.


16/08/2013 15:20:20 - Info bpdbm(pid=6296) image catalog cleanup         

16/08/2013 15:20:20 - Info bpdbm(pid=6296) Cleaning up tables in the relational database     

16/08/2013 15:20:20 - Info bpdbm(pid=6296) deleting images which expire before Fri Aug 16 15:20:26 2013 (1376662826) 

16/08/2013 15:21:26 - Info nbdelete(pid=6359) deleting expired images. Media Server: ms-bks-003 Media: F:\    

16/08/2013 15:21:28 - Warning bpdbm(pid=6296) nbdelete failed with status (83)       

16/08/2013 15:21:28 - Info bpdbm(pid=6296) deleted 0 expired records, compressed 0, tir removed 0, deleted 0 expired copies

16/08/2013 15:21:36 - Info bpdm(pid=4844) started           

16/08/2013 15:21:36 - started process bpdm (4844)

16/08/2013 15:21:36 - Critical bpdm(pid=4844) sts_get_lsu_prop_byname on LSU F:\ failed: 2060013 no more entries   

16/08/2013 15:21:36 - Critical bpdm(pid=4844) Invalid storage device: F:\ no more entries     

16/08/2013 15:21:36 - Critical bpdm(pid=4844) failure to open disk at path F:\: plug-in reports error 2060013 no more entries

16/08/2013 15:21:36 - Error bpdm(pid=4844) volume F:\ does not exist or is not available.   

the requested operation was partially successful(1)


The job was successfully completed, but some files may have been

busy or unaccessible. See the problems report or the client's logs for more details.


Any tips or pointers will be truly welcome.





  • Issue now resolved following support received from Parag, Steve and Bernard at Symanetc.



    Apply EEB

    1) If possible move backups that use effected DSSU staging unit to another pool. Our storage team was able to present a temp 16 TB lun to give me the space to move the backups policies around to use alternative staging units.

    2) Manually BPDUPLICATE (Catalog Tool) data tick box make primary copy.

    3) Expire all none "primary no" images.

    4) Increase high and low water marks to 90 / 70

    5) Enable schdeuled duplication process

    6) Track all new normal duplication jobs and cross reference against physical view at ls -lrt or explorer level

    7) You will get a lot of inital 190 errors from the normal duplication process but this will clear as the expired images are cleared from the system.


    Please feel free toy drop an email if you get stuck I spent a month fixing our site and encounter of copy issues escpecaill the way the copy number system works the rule of thumb is



    Expiring a non-primary copy does not change the primary copy.... if the primary copy is expired, the lowest numbered remaining copy is tagged as the primary.


    Copies are numbered in the order they're made... so copy 1 will always be the first copy taken.... their duplication process is tagging copy 2 as the primary, but it IS copy 2, not copy 1



1 Reply

  • Issue now resolved following support received from Parag, Steve and Bernard at Symanetc.



    Apply EEB

    1) If possible move backups that use effected DSSU staging unit to another pool. Our storage team was able to present a temp 16 TB lun to give me the space to move the backups policies around to use alternative staging units.

    2) Manually BPDUPLICATE (Catalog Tool) data tick box make primary copy.

    3) Expire all none "primary no" images.

    4) Increase high and low water marks to 90 / 70

    5) Enable schdeuled duplication process

    6) Track all new normal duplication jobs and cross reference against physical view at ls -lrt or explorer level

    7) You will get a lot of inital 190 errors from the normal duplication process but this will clear as the expired images are cleared from the system.


    Please feel free toy drop an email if you get stuck I spent a month fixing our site and encounter of copy issues escpecaill the way the copy number system works the rule of thumb is



    Expiring a non-primary copy does not change the primary copy.... if the primary copy is expired, the lowest numbered remaining copy is tagged as the primary.


    Copies are numbered in the order they're made... so copy 1 will always be the first copy taken.... their duplication process is tagging copy 2 as the primary, but it IS copy 2, not copy 1