Forum Discussion

ipmanyak's avatar
Level 5
6 years ago

Duplication with user backup

I have the policy with type "user backup" and it is stored in a disk pool, client linux. I would like to have the copy of user backup stored in a disk pool also on a standalone tape drive ( no robot library, there one drive), that is duplication. I try in policy attribute "Multiple copy" assign additional job to tape drive. But when user backup started it create 2 job for disk pool and 2 job for tape drive and all jobs have status QUEUE and job for tape drive - pending access, well nothing works ! Any ideas or how to  make duplication to the tape drive copy of user backup for disk pool ?

  • hey

    Will not SLP do it for you? Just create SLP to put your intial backup image on disk pool then add duplicate step to tape... Should have worked out...

  • quebek's avatar
    6 years ago

    Give it a try - IMHO it should have worked - I did use SLP with user archive... so...

    btw USER backup is a schedule type, while SLP is assigned in storage unit... right?

  • Krutons's avatar
    6 years ago

    The SLP would have the first job operation as 'backup', select the destination storage unit. This is where the first backup would go. Then add a second operation of type 'duplication', again select the storage unit you want the backup to be duplicated to.

    Then for the user backup policy, create a schedule with 'user backup' for the type of backup and select to 'override policy storage selection' and choose the SLP that you created.

5 Replies

  • hey

    Will not SLP do it for you? Just create SLP to put your intial backup image on disk pool then add duplicate step to tape... Should have worked out...

    • ipmanyak's avatar
      Level 5

      In SLP I cant use type "user backup". Its possible?

      • quebek's avatar

        Give it a try - IMHO it should have worked - I did use SLP with user archive... so...

        btw USER backup is a schedule type, while SLP is assigned in storage unit... right?