Forum Discussion

imashu's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Duplications not running automatically


We have our master server on Windows 2008 R2 Standard OS and it is on netbackup version.

My issue is that the Duplications from Disks to tapes are not going fine and hence we usually get "Disk Storage Unit Full issue" very often.

When i check in CATALOG>>DUPLICATION, i can see a lot of data left to be duplicated. I believe when data is duplicated we won't be able to see it there (CATALOG>>DUPLICATION), please correct me if i am wrong?

Can we duplicate it using this window (CATALOG>>DUPLICATION>> Select backup >> Right Click Duplicate).

Will this be primary duplication or would we be having any issue during restore (primary copy etc)

Also, please let me know any command or procedure to run the duplicatation's manually.

Also, we use Storage Lifecycle Policies in our environment.

Kinldy suggest!!



  • As you are using SLP's they should automatically duplicate

    You should see them in the catalog section anyway (duplicated or not) but will not be able to duplicate them whilst under SLP control

    The first thing to check is the state of your SLP's to make sure they are duplicating - you will see duplication jobs running with the SLP_ policy name ahead of the SLP name

    If you are running into disk full conditions you maybe using a fixed retention period on disk and so simply filling the disk up - you may need to change to a capacity based disk retention to allow it to manage itself more efectively.

7 Replies

  • please let us know the output of below command, it will show you the actaull backlog in SLP, as you are using SLP.

    nbstlutil report

  • As you are using SLP's they should automatically duplicate

    You should see them in the catalog section anyway (duplicated or not) but will not be able to duplicate them whilst under SLP control

    The first thing to check is the state of your SLP's to make sure they are duplicating - you will see duplication jobs running with the SLP_ policy name ahead of the SLP name

    If you are running into disk full conditions you maybe using a fixed retention period on disk and so simply filling the disk up - you may need to change to a capacity based disk retention to allow it to manage itself more efectively.

  • Hi Nagalla,

    Thanks!! The output of this command shows as below;

    D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbstlutil report

    No images to process


     I think this means that currently no backusp jobs are left to be duplicated but still why i am seeing a lot of jobs in CATALOG >> DUPLICATE.

    Doesn't this section shows only incomplete duplicataions jobs. Please correct me if i am wrong?

    And above all why my disks are getting full.




  • As i said earlier you will see all images in the catalog section - it is a "duplicate" function not a query

    Again as per my earlier post the reason you disk is full may be due to not using capacity managed disk in the SLP and just backing up too much to that location

    Hope this helps

  • Hello Mark,

    Yes i can see the duplications jobs that have run shows SLP in the prefix.

    Also, i Basic Disk we have a option of Manual relocation by using which we can duplicate all teh pending jobs onto that particular storage unit.

    Do we have anything similar for Advance Disk as well??

    Also, yes we had fixed Retention in SLP policy, i have now changed it to "Staged Capacity managed"

    Is that what you meant?

    Please suggest!!


  • Yes - staged capacity managed means it will keep it for the desired retention period but if it fills up before then it will expire the oldest disk copies (as long as they have been duplicated) so that you don't run out of disk space

    This should solve your issue but obviously if data growth is taking effect you may need to look at increasing your disk capacity anyway to maintain your desired retention on disk