Forum Discussion

Claudio_Veronez's avatar
14 years ago

easy one, mssql retention schedule


that maight be quiet simple.

I have a mssql online policy 
and  some schedules

anual       - retention 5 years
mensal   - retentinon 1 year
semana  - retencion 3 months
diario      - retention 2 weeks

so.. all of them R Automatic backups

there is one application schedulle for all of them, is that right?

and about the retention period should I put  5 years ??


  • We treat database policies different to normal policies:
    We create different policies for the different requirements - one for daily, one for weekly, etc so that the application schedule can be assigned the correct retention.

14 Replies

  • We are using the daily, weekly, montly and yearly policies to do sepereate retentions but will check the document to see they can be consolidated to one.

  • Best part to create different policy for different retention to avoid overlapping....
  • that is Right

    one policy for each retention.

    I´ll give Mariane as solution because I found that  "Best part to create different policy for different retention to avoid overlapping...."  through her post.

    Thanks a lot
  • As we already have 100's of policies I do everything I can to consolidate, within reason. My approach for MS-SQL can be represented by the following graphic:

    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend Retention
    Automatic Schedule Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes n/a
    Daily Application Schedule Open Open Open Open     1 Month
    Weekly Application Schedule         Open   3 Months
    4 Weekly Application Schedule           Open 10 Years

    Basically, an Automatic schedule which initiates backups daily, with the corresponding Application Schedule on that day setting the required retention. These Application Schedules do not overlap, so there is no confusion.

    This works well when your SQL backup completes in a reasonably defined backup window.

    That all said, it would be nice if the MS-SQL / NetBackup API could specify in the BCH script which schedule to use like the Oracle one does. Would make this all a bit easier.
