Forum Discussion

cyberninja's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

eject job - not ejecting on the right date


We just added a 2nd tape library to our NetBackup environment. The new tape library is not ejecting on the same day as our 1st one. How can I make sure that the 2nd tape library ejects on the same day as the other one. We have are tapes eject every two weeks or ever other Friday. We have our tapes eject every two weeks because they go off site. We have the vault job run the same day as the tape pick up. The vault jobs run on a single schedule. There is a vault job for each library.

Master server           Solaris 10   running NetBackup
Media/robot control server       Solaris 10 running NetrBackup

1st  tape library    SL150
2nd tape library    SL500

  • Yes Mark, that was what I was originally thinking, but I see in the explanation that the policay was run manually, but then ran sooner than expected, when it should have been another 7 days later ...

    " I created the policy on 9/19 and ran it manually. I expected the next scheduled run to be on 10/3, but it ran on 9/26."

    So, thought I'd ask about the freq anyway, as this would obviously cause this issue, though I suspect it has been checked.

    Persoanlly, I'd run nbpemreq -subsystems 1 screen and look down for the Client/ Policy pair and see when NBU is next planning to run it - if it's n the correct date, no issue, if not, it shold give the logic behind why it will run it at time X.

    If output is large, it gets truncated, so if the bits you need are missing, run it without the 'screen' and look for the details in the nbpem log.


12 Replies

  • Sorry for not posting a solution to this before now. Working with Symantec support we were able to resolve this issue.

    It seems that whenever you change the scheduling within a policy, Netbackup ignores the Frequency set in the policy and simply looks for the next Start Window.   That was certainly the case for us.  We were able to view this using the command nbpemreq

    nbpemreq -due -date <mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS> -policy_filter <valid policy>

    This showed us the next time Netbackup would run the policy in question.

    The solution to correcting the timing was to simply run the policy manually to establish the date/time that Netbackup would start the clock for the settings in the policy.

    So mph999 you were right on track, however the solution was to set the Frequency and Start Window in the policy (and leave it) and then run a manual backup to establish the date/time reference.  I was changing the policy to try to estabish a date/time reference.   This was actually killing my attempt to fix.  Simple fix when you know the tools and solution.  Thanks all for the assistance.

  • My co-worker randes_2000 posted the solution we got from tech support. It is awaiting moderation at this time.