Forum Discussion

piotr1's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Email notifications

I want to run email notifications. So I did everything as they said in manual: 1 Install and configure a mail client on the server as described in “Installing the email utility”. Then I test it...
  • Deepak_W's avatar
    16 years ago

    follow the below mentioned steps to configure the mail notification in NBU using BLAT

    1. download the BLAT and put the executable in \WINNT\System32

    2. open CMD and run the %blat -install <mail-server-ip> <sender-id>

    3. test the BLAT functionality by running the below mentioned command.

    Note: This step is very imp as thi will test your mail relay settings.
              a) create one text file on C:\ (example) and enter some text into the same
              b) open cmd and run the command - % blat C:\testfile.txt -s test_subject -to <recipients-id>

    4. if you get the test mail that means BLAT is configured properly

    5. go to <install-path>\veritas\netbackup\bin and open nbmail.cmd

    check the below mentioned sample script for you... your file should look exactly the same (except your send-from and relay server address

    @IF "%~4"=="" (
    blat %3 -s %2 -t %1 -i -server -q -enriched)
    ELSE (
    blat %3 -s %2 -t %1 -t -server -q -attach %4 -enriched)

    in this example is your send from ID and is your mail relay server.

    Below mentioned are the Options for the script :

    %3 is the file that BLAT will send in the body of the email. This is generated by one of the other scripts, backup_notification.cmd for example.
    -s is the subject line of the email
    %2 is the contents of the subject line. This is generated by another script that calls on blat, backup_notification.cmd, for example.
    -t is who will receive the email.
    %1 - is the email address. This is by default the contents of the Email Address for the administrator of this NetBackup Client field.
    -i is the "From" portion of the email. This is not necessarily known to the email server. In this case it will be "From NetBackup." There should be a valid email address specified here instead of "NetBackup", such as "".
    -server is the name of the SMTP server to use.
    -q will suppress all output to the screen.

    6. Then enter the recipients email addresses in the global attributes of the master server host properties (also in the client settings check for the SERVER SENDS EMAIL

    7. Also in the backup_exit_notify script - do the following

    go to the end of the file and before the @endlocal line enter the below mentioned details (replace the id and server address)

    blat %OUTF% -s %1:%5 -t,,,, -i NetBackup
    -server -q

    and then save the file

    8. Restart the NBU services

    9. Run the test job and check whether you get the mail

    NOTE: Check for the syntax what provided. this is for your further reading and reference.

    Happy Reading