Forum Discussion

yan_xu_sh's avatar
Level 1
4 years ago

emc-ecs:error checking credential, http code 0, no response data from server

valid_sts_server:failed to open server connection to type emc-ecs_rawc server error = 2060025 an error occurred in the cloud S3 subsystem
emmlib_uninitialize: (-)exception , exception caught (shutting down orb):system expection, ID'' tao exception. minor code =0(unknow location, unspecified errno) completed = no
curl:7 (couldn't connect to server) ,multi curl error:0(ok) , sts error: 2060203A connection to a cloud storage provider could not be established

1 Reply

  • Hi yan_xu_sh 

    Is there a question in here?

    The error displayed is indicating that NetBackup is unable to reach the cloud storage provider.

    Has this worked before. If so what changed. Often firewall or routing issues might cause this.
