Forum Discussion

Nam_Sym's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

EMM status: No media is available

Hi, I am having this error: "EMM status: No media is available    unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available(96" The current status of media is AVAILABLE. ...
  • mph999's avatar
    10 years ago

    Check :

    Density of media matches Density of drive

    Check the media hasn't hit the max mouonts limit (seen in vmquery -a output)

    Check the media does not have a 'expiration date', also seen in vmquery -a output



    media ID:              TAPE01
    media type:            1/2" cartridge tape 3 (24)    <<< Check density matches drives
    barcode:               --------
    media description:     ------
    volume pool:           mseo (4)
    robot type:            NONE - Not Robotic (0)
    volume group:          ---
    vault name:            ---
    vault sent date:       ---
    vault return date:     ---
    vault slot:            ---
    vault session id:      ---
    vault container id:    -
    created:               Mon Jul 28 18:44:37 2014
    assigned:              Fri Aug 15 12:18:53 2014
    last mounted:          Fri Aug 15 12:35:09 2014
    first mount:           Mon Jul 28 18:52:39 2014
    expiration date:       ---        <<<<  Check this 
    number of mounts:      30
    max mounts allowed:    ---   <<< Check this
    status:                0x0