Forum Discussion

pretorian's avatar
Level 4
15 years ago

Error bpbrm(pid=7528)

Hi all,

we found error like this at Netbackup 7. We never found the error when using netbackup 6.5. Herewith the error :

5/31/2010 8:45:24 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=7528) from client netbackup-srv: ERR - failure reading file: E:\DRIB\file-Full Database Backup 20100202 (WIN32 2: The system cannot find the file specified. )
5/31/2010 8:45:25 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=7528) from client netbackup-srv: ERR - Snapshot Error while reading file: GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy15\DRI\file-Full Database Backup 20100202
5/31/2010 8:45:26 AM - Critical bpbrm(pid=7528) from client netbackup-srv: FTL - Backup operation aborted!
5/31/2010 8:45:35 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=7528) could not send server status message
5/31/2010 8:45:42 AM - end writing; write time: 00:02:06 snapshot error encountered(156)

Anyone has ever experienced like this ?



  • Rajesh actually meant with O/S version the actual Windows version - e.g. Windows 2003 32-bit. The snapshot method to be used depends on the O/S version. Before NBU 7 the default was VSP. With NBU 7 the default is VSS (See Admin Guide I).

    I would speak to system owners - seems someone might have deleted 'E:\DRIB\file-Full Database Backup 20100202' while the backup was in progress: 
    failure reading file: E:\DRIB\file-Full Database Backup 20100202 (WIN32 2: The system cannot find the file specified.)
    Snapshot Error while reading file: GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy15\DRIB\file-Full Database Backup 20100202

    Snapshop errors have been around for as long as Windows Open Files have been around and for as long there have been attempts to back them up via snapshots.

    Check Host Properties -> Master -> Client Attributes -> add client name
    Check that VSS is selected.  You might want to select option to 'disable snapshot and continue'

8 Replies

  • can you please specify the client which you are backing up (client OS and Netbackup version) .


  • Hi Rajesh,

    Client OS is windows. The path folder "E:\DRIB\"
    Netbackup server OS is windows and Netbackup 7.


  • Rajesh actually meant with O/S version the actual Windows version - e.g. Windows 2003 32-bit. The snapshot method to be used depends on the O/S version. Before NBU 7 the default was VSP. With NBU 7 the default is VSS (See Admin Guide I).

    I would speak to system owners - seems someone might have deleted 'E:\DRIB\file-Full Database Backup 20100202' while the backup was in progress: 
    failure reading file: E:\DRIB\file-Full Database Backup 20100202 (WIN32 2: The system cannot find the file specified.)
    Snapshot Error while reading file: GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy15\DRIB\file-Full Database Backup 20100202

    Snapshop errors have been around for as long as Windows Open Files have been around and for as long there have been attempts to back them up via snapshots.

    Check Host Properties -> Master -> Client Attributes -> add client name
    Check that VSS is selected.  You might want to select option to 'disable snapshot and continue'
  • HI Abbas,

    As Marianne mentioned please add your client server name in the client attributes as below and select the VSS option , and then try the backup .

  • Marianne and Rajesh,

    I try to change the client attribute as your advice, now still waiting another job still running.
    Thanks for your respond.



  • Actually VSS had been set in accordance with the picture like above.
    As an illustration, when this error appears. I try to check the files are still there.
    I  tried to delete and then copy the file again from original files and  the results remain the same.
    And when tried restarting netbackup-srv, a new job is backed up and succesfully.

    But whether I should always do that to restart the Netbackup client netbackup-srv job is successful?
    Are there any other suggestions ?



  • It's not required to restart everytime , actually you have done the changes for master server properties due to that it required to restart the services.

    You can check the next backup and conclude ....
