Forum Discussion

sagar666's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

Error code 84 for nfs mount backup

Hi i am getting Error code 84 for nfs mount backup

Job Details:

01/19/2015 04:39:13 - Info nbjm (pid=2334) starting backup job (jobid=4721) for client inbmaster, policy ecad, schedule Full
01/19/2015 04:39:13 - Info nbjm (pid=2334) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=4721, request id:{046D3F8A-9F67-11E4-9B27-A9DF38518934})
01/19/2015 04:39:13 - requesting resource Any
01/19/2015 04:39:13 - requesting resource
01/19/2015 04:39:13 - requesting resource
01/19/2015 04:39:13 - Info nbrb (pid=2208) Limit has been reached for the logical resource
01/19/2015 09:54:17 - awaiting resource Any. No drives are available.
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - Info bpbrm (pid=22382) inbmaster is the host to backup data from
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - Info bpbrm (pid=22382) reading file list from client
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - Info bpbrm (pid=22382) starting bpbkar on client
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - granted resource
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - granted resource
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - granted resource  1148L4
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - granted resource  IBM.ULT3580-TD4.000
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - granted resource  inbmaster-hcart-robot-tld-0
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - estimated 808492953 kbytes needed
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - Info nbjm (pid=2334) started backup (backupid=inbmaster_1421641780) job for client inbmaster, policy ecad, schedule Full on storage unit inbmaster-hcart-robot-tld-0
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - started process bpbrm (pid=22382)
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - connecting
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - Info bpbkar (pid=22386) Backup started
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - Info bpbrm (pid=22382) bptm pid: 22387
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - Info bptm (pid=22387) start
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - Info bptm (pid=22387) using 65536 data buffer size
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - Info bptm (pid=22387) using 30 data buffers
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - Info bptm (pid=22387) start backup
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - Info bptm (pid=22387) Waiting for mount of media id 1148L4 (copy 1) on server
01/19/2015 09:59:40 - mounting 1148L4
01/19/2015 09:59:42 - Warning bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/matrix-new_ecad/chelsio.tar. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
01/19/2015 10:00:24 - Info bptm (pid=22387) media id 1148L4 mounted on drive index 0, drivepath /dev/nst1, drivename IBM.ULT3580-TD4.000, copy 1
01/19/2015 10:00:24 - mounted 1148L4; mount time: 0:00:44
01/19/2015 10:00:24 - positioning 1148L4 to file 1
01/19/2015 10:04:00 - positioned 1148L4; position time: 0:03:36
01/19/2015 10:04:00 - begin writing
01/19/2015 10:04:02 - Warning bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/matrix-new_ecad/sge.tar.gz. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
01/19/2015 10:04:19 - Warning bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/matrix-new_ecad/xxcc. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
01/19/2015 10:04:19 - Warning bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/matrix-new_ecad/tmp. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
01/19/2015 10:04:19 - Warning bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/matrix-new_ecad/altera/altera_8.0cb/ip/qdrii_sram_controller/lib/qdrii_model.v. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
01/19/2015 10:04:19 - Warning bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/matrix-new_ecad/altera/altera_8.0cb/modelsim_ae/altera/verilog/src/220model.v. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
01/19/2015 10:04:19 - Warning bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/matrix-new_ecad/altera/altera_8.0cb/modelsim_ae/altera/verilog/src/altera_mf.v. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
01/19/2015 10:04:19 - Warning bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/matrix-new_ecad/altera/altera_8.0cb/modelsim_ae/altera/verilog/src/altera_primitives.v. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
01/19/2015 10:04:19 - Warning bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/matrix-new_ecad/altera/altera_8.0cb/modelsim_ae/altera/verilog/src/sgate.v. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
01/19/2015 10:04:19 - Warning bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/matrix-new_ecad/altera/altera_8.0cb/modelsim_ae/altera/verilog/src/stratixii_atoms.v. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
01/19/2015 10:04:19 - Warning bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: WRN - Suspending further messages if reset access time fails
01/19/2015 15:43:58 - Error bptm (pid=22387) cannot write image to media id 1148L4, drive index 0, Input/output error
01/19/2015 15:43:58 - Info bptm (pid=22387) EXITING with status 84 <----------
01/19/2015 15:43:59 - Error bpbrm (pid=22382) from client inbmaster: ERR - bpbkar exiting because backup is aborting
01/19/2015 15:43:59 - Info bpbkar (pid=22386) done. status: 84: media write error
01/19/2015 15:43:59 - end writing; write time: 5:39:59
media write error  (84)

Please help me


  • Call your hardware vendor and show them the TapeAlert codes.


    Hard Error
    This flag is set for any unrecoverable read/write/positioning error, and is
    internally cleared when the media is ejected (this flag is set as an explanation
    of the error in conjunction with one of the recovery action flags 4, 5, or 6)

    Write Failure
    The tape is from a faulty batch or the tape drive is faulty:
    1. Use a good tape to test the drive.
    2. If the problem persists, call the tape drive supplier helpline.

    Power Supply
    A redundant power supply has failed inside the tape drive
    enclosure. Check the enclosure users manual for instructions on
    replacing the failed power supply. 

  • Freeze media 1159L4

    # bpmedia -freeze -m 1159L4

    You can use the GUI under media management as well

    Call vendor and let them have a look at index 0, that tape drive is the culprit in all 3 errors. Those 3 errors are hardware errors as Marianne pointed out. 

  • The problem is either with media or tape drive on media server inbmaster:

    01/19/2015 15:43:58 - Error bptm (pid=22387) cannot write image to media id 1148L4, drive index 0, Input/output error 

    Check bptm log on inbmaster for errors related to PID 22387.

    Please always tell us which OS on affected machines (in this case the media server).

    Troubleshooting with I/O errors should always start at OS level as NBU needs the OS for device-level access.
    If we know which OS, we can tell you which system logs to check for device errors.

  • This look like a normal media write error from a tape drive. it is not related to backup of a NFS share

    Error bptm (pid=22387) cannot write image to media id 1148L4, drive index 0, Input/output error

    Info bpbkar (pid=22386) done. status: 84: media write error

  • Hi

    Master and media server are same and OS is RHEL 5.x and Netbackup 7.5

    May i have the Path of bptm and bpbkar i haven't find /user/openv/Netbackup/logs


  • Legacy log folders do no exist by default.

    Create bptm folder under /usr/openv/netbackup/logs.
    Logging will start next time a backup is done.

    In the meantime, check /var/log/messages for device-related errors around the time that the backup failed.

  • Or take a look in /usr/openv/netbackup/db/media/errors , it should show you somthing like:

    12/31/14 00:46:25 I00305 2 POSITION_ERROR DRIVE2
    12/31/14 00:50:51 I00305 4 POSITION_ERROR DRIVE4
    12/31/14 00:55:22 I00305 7 POSITION_ERROR DRIVE7
    12/31/14 00:59:47 I00305 5 POSITION_ERROR DRIVE5

    In this case it look strongly like media I00305 is defect because it made 4 error on 4 diffrent tape drives.


  • logs output in /var/log/messages

    Jan 20 15:10:05 inbmaster bptm[8780]: TapeAlert Code: 0x03, Type: Warning, Flag: HARD ERROR, from drive IBM.ULT3580-TD4.000 (index 0), Media Id 1159L4
    Jan 20 15:10:05 inbmaster bptm[8780]: TapeAlert Code: 0x06, Type: Critical, Flag: WRITE FAILURE, from drive IBM.ULT3580-TD4.000 (index 0), Media Id 1159L4
    Jan 20 15:10:05 inbmaster bptm[8780]: TapeAlert Code: 0x27, Type: Warning, Flag: DIAGNOSTICS REQ., from drive IBM.ULT3580-TD4.000 (index 0), Media Id 1159L4

    Hi Nico

    No errors only above alerts in eerors file


  • Call your hardware vendor and show them the TapeAlert codes.


    Hard Error
    This flag is set for any unrecoverable read/write/positioning error, and is
    internally cleared when the media is ejected (this flag is set as an explanation
    of the error in conjunction with one of the recovery action flags 4, 5, or 6)

    Write Failure
    The tape is from a faulty batch or the tape drive is faulty:
    1. Use a good tape to test the drive.
    2. If the problem persists, call the tape drive supplier helpline.

    Power Supply
    A redundant power supply has failed inside the tape drive
    enclosure. Check the enclosure users manual for instructions on
    replacing the failed power supply. 

  • Freeze media 1159L4

    # bpmedia -freeze -m 1159L4

    You can use the GUI under media management as well

    Call vendor and let them have a look at index 0, that tape drive is the culprit in all 3 errors. Those 3 errors are hardware errors as Marianne pointed out.