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NBU35's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

Error code 89- HP UX media server

Master  solaris 10, cluster server.. NBU
Media server HP-UX B.11.31 U ia64 4235433303 unlimited-user license , NetBackup-HP-UX11.31

media server: cat /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS
media server: cat /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS

earlier this media server was working perfectly fine, today I have recieved lots of error code 89 failures.

<16> create_shared_memory: could not allocate enough shared memory for backup buffers, No space left on device
14/04/2015 06:59:39 - Error bpbrm(pid=8318) Could not get shared memory for bpbrm child process communication, No space left on device (28)
14/04/2015 06:59:40 - Info bphdb(pid=0) done. status: 89: problems encountered during setup of shared memory   

Please suggest

  • HP ...

    Bit odd, this issue is more common on Solaris - has someone suddently turned on multiplexing ?

    What is the sharded memory set to on the server, this is an OS kernel setting called ...


    It may need increasing, however, if this was working, something has changed - or the server is under more load / something welse using shared memory.

    First idea is just to reboot, this should clear things out and if it was a one-off issue it may not reoccur.

    It would be sensible to do this, as if it does n't retuurn it saves making changes that would therefore be unnecessary and may introduce other issues.


9 Replies

  • HP ...

    Bit odd, this issue is more common on Solaris - has someone suddently turned on multiplexing ?

    What is the sharded memory set to on the server, this is an OS kernel setting called ...


    It may need increasing, however, if this was working, something has changed - or the server is under more load / something welse using shared memory.

    First idea is just to reboot, this should clear things out and if it was a one-off issue it may not reoccur.

    It would be sensible to do this, as if it does n't retuurn it saves making changes that would therefore be unnecessary and may introduce other issues.


  • How to check setting SHMMAX


    Multiplexing was already in place from long back. but issue has occured all of sudden today..


  • system state as of now.


    Load averages: 0.12, 0.13, 0.13
    327 processes: 260 sleeping, 66 running, 1 zombie
    Cpu states:
     0    0.10   0.8%   0.0%   3.2%  96.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
     1    0.14   2.2%   0.0%   4.8%  93.1%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
     2    0.11   1.0%   0.0%   4.2%  94.9%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
     3    0.11   1.2%   0.0%   1.8%  97.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
    ---   ----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
    avg   0.12   1.4%   0.0%   3.6%  95.1%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%

    System Page Size: 4Kbytes
    Memory: 2074632K (1658640K) real, 6475268K (5128448K) virtual, 1906204K free  Page# 1/12

     3   ?   660 root     168 20   350M 42496K sleep   70:19  9.90  9.88 bptm
     3   ? 18813 root     168 20   362M 50720K sleep   81:48  4.54  4.53 bptm
     2   ?   676 root     154 20   295M 21808K sleep   14:41  2.11  2.10 bptm
     0   ?  3916 root     -16 20 41752K 17040K run   6456:25  1.87  1.87 midaemon
     1   ?  2900 root     178 20   250M 10164K run     14:59  1.12  1.11 bptm
     2   ?  2901 root     154 20   251M 10016K sleep   15:22  1.11  1.11 bptm
     3   ?  2824 root     154 20   250M  8848K sleep   14:52  1.08  1.08 bptm
     2   ?  2941 root     154 20   251M  9704K sleep   14:59  1.04  1.04 bptm
     2   ?  2892 root     154 20   250M  9548K sleep   14:45  1.03  1.03 bptm
     2   ?  7836 root     128 20    72K    64K zomb     0:17  1.01  1.01 bptm
     2   ?  8111 root     154 20   250M  9600K sleep   14:49  1.00  1.00 bptm
     0   ? 29822 root     154 20   251M  9688K sleep   15:50  1.00  1.00 bptm
     3   ?  2937 root     154 20   251M  9640K sleep   15:07  0.97  0.97 bptm
     2   ?  4386 root     168 20 15712K   888K sleep 1714:21  0.93  0.93 utild
     1   ? 18876 root     154 20   319M 39084K sleep   15:10  0.71  0.71 bptm
     2   ?  2986 root     152 20 44308K   832K run   3578:05  0.69  0.69 cimprovagt
     2   ?  8393 root     168 20   251M 10548K sleep   22:13  0.57  0.57 bptm
     2   ? 29818 root     154 20   251M  9700K sleep   12:13  0.55  0.55 bptm
     3   ?  4757 root     154 20   251M  9724K sleep   10:15  0.53  0.53 bptm
     3   ?  2133 root     154 20   251M 10412K sleep   19:58  0.50  0.50 bptm
     2   ?  2140 root     154 20   251M 10488K sleep   19:31  0.50  0.50 bptm
     1   ? 15739 root     154 20   251M  9720K sleep    6:53  0.48  0.48 bptm
     3   ?  4842 root     154 20   251M  9648K sleep    7:31  0.48  0.48 bptm
     3   ?  2102 root     154 20   251M 10424K sleep   20:32  0.46  0.46 bptm
     3   ?  4940 root     154 20   250M  9680K sleep   10:23  0.46  0.46 bptm
     1   ?  9105 root     168 20   251M 11148K sleep   24:59  0.45  0.45 bptm
     2   ? 11952 root     154 20   251M  9932K sleep    7:06  0.45  0.45 bptm

  • can restarting netbackup & media manager service help ?

  • Shared memory needed on a media server is SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS * NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS * number of tape drives * MPX

    So, at some point, the total number of streams that shared memory on this media server can accommodate, has increased to more that it can handle.

    TNs regarding shared memory:

    Recommended NetBackup *NIX semaphore tuning values (Linux/Solaris/HP-UX/AIX)

    Message queue and shared memory parameters on HP-UX

  • Shared memory usage can be checked with 'ipcs' command.

    Something else on this server may me using shared memory - not only NBU media manager.

    If this is master/media server, you will need even more than recommended values.

  • values of semaphores are as follows:


    Tunable             semmni
    Description         Maximum number of semaphore sets on the system
    Module              pm_usync
    Current Value       2048 [Default]
    Value at Next Boot  2048 [Default]
    Value at Last Boot  2048
    Default Value       2048
    Constraints         semmni >= 2
                        semmni <= 32767
                        semmni <= semmns
    Can Change          At Next Boot Only

    Tunable             semmns
    Description         Maximum number of semaphores
    Module              pm_usync
    Current Value       307200
    Value at Next Boot  307200
    Value at Last Boot  307200
    Default Value       4096
    Constraints         semmns >= 2
                        semmns <= 335534080
                        semmns >= semmni
                        semmns >= semume
    Can Change          At Next Boot Only

    Tunable             semmsl
    Description         Maximum number of semaphores in a set
    Module              pm_usync
    Current Value       2048 [Default]
    Value at Next Boot  2048 [Default]
    Value at Last Boot  2048
    Default Value       2048
    Constraints         semmsl >= 1
                        semmsl <= 10240
    Can Change          Immediately or at Next Boot

  • Thanks everyone, issue resolved with reboot of media server