Forum Discussion

scropoy's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

Error V-123-49 Operation failed(Status 114) when retrieve a point in time configuration

hi everyone  i have a problem with win client restore

A error occured when i bmr restore a win client     Error V-123-49 Operation failed(Status 114) 

Here is my context:

NBU Master server 7.5 (Suse 11 sp1_x64)

NBU client 7.5 (win2008 standard x64)

BMR backup client ok


bmrd log 



11/25/13 18:04:57.079 [winStreamHeader.cpp:removeWinStreamHeader()] Found BACKUP_DATA, seek to 101991869142093903
11/25/13 18:04:57.081 [winStreamHeader.cpp:removeWinStreamHeader()] Exiting, line=144, return BMR_SUCCESS
11/25/13 18:04:57.128 [bmrdcommonunix.cpp:PlatformForkCommon()] Entering, newsockfd=17
11/25/13 18:04:57.129 [bmrdcommonunix.cpp:PlatformForkCommon()] Exiting, line=84, return pid=29445
11/25/13 18:04:57.129 [bmrdcommonunix.cpp:PlatformForkCommon()] Exiting, line=84, return pid=0
11/25/13 18:04:57.129 [bmrd.cpp:HandleThisConnection()]  entering
11/25/13 18:04:57.129 [bmrd.cpp:HandleThisConnection()]  call_fd=17
11/25/13 18:04:57.130 [bmrdcommon.cpp:DoVxssAuthentication()] Entering, line=45, fd=17
11/25/13 18:04:57.131 [bmrdcommon.cpp:DoVxssAuthentication()] Exiting, line=106, return rc=0
11/25/13 18:04:57.170 [bmrdcommon.cpp:AssertCompat()]  entering
11/25/13 18:04:57.170 [bmrdcommon.cpp:AssertCompat()] fd=17
11/25/13 18:04:57.170 [bmrdcommon.cpp:AssertCompat()]  exiting
11/25/13 18:04:57.170 [bmrd.cpp:HandleImportRequest()]  entering
11/25/13 18:04:57.170 [bmrd.cpp:HandleImportRequest()]  call_fd=17
11/25/13 18:04:57.187 V-128-906 [ImportCfg.cpp:ImportConfig()] Unable to extract either ./bmrcli.xml or bmrcli.xml file from bundle. Cannot import.
11/25/13 18:04:57.188 [bmrd.cpp:HandleImportRequest()]  exiting
11/25/13 18:04:57.188 [bmrd.cpp:HandleThisConnection()]  exiting
11/25/13 18:04:57.188 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] Unable to import configuration from bundle file /usr/openv/netbackup/baremetal/server/data/nc-
11/25/13 18:04:57.188 [bmrd.cpp:RetrieveClientConfiguration()] Exiting, line=2323, return BMR_FAIL
11/25/13 18:04:57.190 [bmrd.cpp:HandleMethodExecute()]  exiting
11/25/13 18:04:57.190 [bmrd.cpp:HandleThisConnection()]  exiting
11/25/13 18:05:21.141 [logChanges.cpp:LogChangesCheck()] Config file change detected, reloading log objects.
11/25/13 18:05:21.145 [logChanges.cpp:LogChangesCheck()] Config file change detected, reloading log objects.


6 Replies

  • Ohhh I missed that you already provided the error log.

    11/25/13 18:04:57.187 V-128-906 [ImportCfg.cpp:ImportConfig()] Unable to extract either ./bmrcli.xml or bmrcli.xml file from bundle. Cannot import.

    As you correctly anticipated this issue seems related to cross client master platforms esp win-lin where bundle.dat file conversion is failing.

    I believe there was already an escalation reported on this problem. I would recommend you to open a support case with syamntec to get the engineering binary as a solution.



  • Can you please check bmrd.log enabled with debug level 6 generated either after running or trying PIT using GUI.

    bmrs -o retrieve -r config -client nc- -destination config_test -epochenddate 1385542990

    What error do you see in this log?



  • i copy the c:\program files\veritas\netbackup\baremetal\client\data\bundle.dat file to the master server /tmp

    and run the command  it seems works.


    linux:/usr/openv/netbackup/bin # ./bmrs -o import -r config -path /tmp/bundle.dat 
    linux:/usr/openv/netbackup/bin # 
    And use commands to do the same thing which i did on the GUI,The Error show again
    linux:/usr/openv/netbackup/bin # ./bpclimagelist -client nc- -ct 13  -r
    1385542990 1386752590 20476 9722965 0 0 FULL ilcm_bmr_nc-
    1385542751 1386752351 4 199940 0 0 FULL ilcm_nc-
    1385103257 1386312857 20435 9733430 0 0 FULL ilcm_bmr_nc-
    1385030688 1386240288 4 199940 0 0 FULL ilcm_nc-
    linux:/usr/openv/netbackup/bin # ./bmrs -o retrieve -r config -client nc- -destination config_test -epochenddate 1385542990
    [Error] V-123-49 Operation failed.
  • can you try restoring c:\program files\veritas\netbackup\baremetal\client\data\bundle.dat file from the specific backup job (where you are trying PIT) using netbackup restore GUI.

    Then try below command to see if bmrimport is working properly for it manually using BMRS command.

    bmrs -o import -r config -path {full path of the restored bundle.dat}

    Check if this works.




    linux:/usr/openv/netbackup/bin # ./bmrs -o query -res database -table CurrentVersion
    1 vCurrentVersion Entry:
        Id = 1
        Name = SCHEMA
        Version =
        Checksum = 2011
        DateTime = 1377250852
    license  etc.    everything is ok 
    i can restore the suse client successfully .
    maybe this error just exits in windows situation.