Forum Discussion

Saldana1201's avatar
12 years ago

Exchange 2010 Backup w GRT fails (Unable to obtain image list)

Hello there,


I'm fairly new to using Backup 7.5 and having some trouble with configure our backups. Ive read through the manual and followed the instructions on configuring the settings, but I may have missed something. Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the report that I am getting:


19/08/2012 18:03:40 - Info nbjm(pid=7744) starting backup job (jobid=777) for client (exchange server), policy USTP_Exchange_GRT, schedule Daily_Full 

19/08/2012 18:03:41 - estimated 0 Kbytes needed

19/08/2012 18:03:41 - Info nbjm(pid=7744) started backup (backupid=DAG01_1345417420) job for client (exchange server),, policy USTP_Exchange_GRT, schedule Daily_Full on storage unit STU-MSDP-Source

19/08/2012 18:03:41 - started process bpbrm (1600)

19/08/2012 18:03:47 - Info bpbrm(pid=1600) (exchange server), is the host to backup data from    

19/08/2012 18:03:47 - Info bpbrm(pid=1600) reading file list from client       

19/08/2012 18:03:49 - connecting

19/08/2012 18:03:52 - Info bpbrm(pid=1600) starting bpbkar32 on client        

19/08/2012 18:03:52 - connected; connect time: 00:00:03

19/08/2012 18:04:15 - Info bpbkar32(pid=24720) Backup started          

19/08/2012 18:04:15 - Info bptm(pid=3656) start           

19/08/2012 18:04:15 - Info bptm(pid=3656) using 262144 data buffer size       

19/08/2012 18:04:15 - Info bptm(pid=3656) setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes     

19/08/2012 18:04:15 - Info bptm(pid=3656) using 30 data buffers        

19/08/2012 18:04:17 - Info bptm(pid=3656) start backup          

19/08/2012 18:04:17 - Info bpbkar32(pid=24720) INF - waiting for mount mutex      

19/08/2012 18:04:18 - Info bptm(pid=3656) backup child process is pid 5060.10044      

19/08/2012 18:04:18 - Info bptm(pid=5060) start           

19/08/2012 18:04:18 - begin writing

19/08/2012 18:04:30 - Info bpbrm(pid=1600) DB_BACKUP_STATUS is 0         

19/08/2012 18:04:33 - Info bptm(pid=3656) waited for full buffer 123 times, delayed 297 times   

19/08/2012 18:04:34 - Info bpbrm(pid=1600) from client (DAG01): TRV - Starting granular backup processing for (/Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups/DAG01\Microsoft Information Store:\(exchange server), System Mailbox\). This may take a while...

19/08/2012 18:04:34 - Error bpbrm(pid=1600) from client (DAG01): ERR - Unable to obtain image list. Confirm this client has access to images on server (Server running nbu) for client (DAG01)

19/08/2012 18:04:34 - Error bpbrm(pid=1600) from client DAG01: ERR - Refer to the 'Configuring the hosts for backups that use Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) in virtual environments' section of the Exchange Administrator's Guide for more information

19/08/2012 18:04:34 - Info bpbrm(pid=1600) from client DAG01: TRV - Granular processing failed!    

19/08/2012 18:04:34 - Error bpbrm(pid=1600) from client DAG01: ERR - Error encountered while attempting to get additional files for Microsoft Information Store:\(Exchange server )System Mailbox\Logs_1345417376\

19/08/2012 18:04:34 - Error bpbrm(pid=1600) from client DAG01: ERR - Exchange granular restore from this image may not work.

19/08/2012 18:04:37 - Info bptm(pid=3656) EXITING with status 0 <----------       

19/08/2012 18:04:37 - Info (Server running nbu)(pid=3656) StorageServer=PureDisk:(server running nbu); Report=PDDO Stats for (server running nbu): scanned: 1084958 KB, CR sent: 2396 KB, CR sent over FC: 0 KB, dedup: 99.8%

19/08/2012 18:04:37 - Info bpbrm(pid=1600) validating image for client DAG01       

19/08/2012 18:04:40 - end writing; write time: 00:00:22

the requested operation was partially successful(1)


The job was successfully completed, but some files may have been

busy or unaccessible. See the problems report or the client's logs for more details.

  • The final status means that your Information Stores are backed up but you will not get GRT (individual messages available to restore)

    A number of issues for this but you need to ensure that you have covered all pre-requisites first as per the admin guide.

    So briefly ...

    Same versions of NBU on Master, Media and Clients (all nodes of the DAG)

    NFS configured on Media Servers and DAG members

    A mailbox for NBU to use during the GRT proceedure

    EWS / NetBackup Clients Service using suitable account on all DAG members

    Backup must be going to disk

    Distributed Application Restore Mappings section completed on Master Server Host Properties

    If any of these are missing it can cause the failure (as can any replication issues with your DAG)

6 Replies

  • The final status means that your Information Stores are backed up but you will not get GRT (individual messages available to restore)

    A number of issues for this but you need to ensure that you have covered all pre-requisites first as per the admin guide.

    So briefly ...

    Same versions of NBU on Master, Media and Clients (all nodes of the DAG)

    NFS configured on Media Servers and DAG members

    A mailbox for NBU to use during the GRT proceedure

    EWS / NetBackup Clients Service using suitable account on all DAG members

    Backup must be going to disk

    Distributed Application Restore Mappings section completed on Master Server Host Properties

    If any of these are missing it can cause the failure (as can any replication issues with your DAG)

  • Thank you Mark. Let me re-run through all the pre-req's and see if there is anything I missed.



  • Mark - One more thing... would disabling the "Server for NFS" services on all the servers(Except the NBU media server ofcourse) help with the resolution of this problem? I noticed it was in the documentation, but did not get around to doing this.

  • As it turns out, I was missing the No.Restrictions file and that was the cause of the issue.

    Once I created the file in the proper location, GRT backup ran fine.


  • Great stuff - lots to go through with GRT backups and they do all need doing fo rit to work - sorry i didn't include that in my list yesterday but at least i advised to go through the manual again