Forum Discussion

rakesh_nair's avatar
15 years ago

exchange 2010 dag restore fails with error code 5


we have new netbackup 7 and exchange 2010 env (DAG)  , the backup works and i can see all the granualar mailboxes and all, however when i try to do a restore, it fails with all sorts of erorr code like error code 5 , cannot create objects and sometimes it  just hangs in there.
is there a solution to this? 

I have enabled logging , but i cant find anything?
  • Microsoft Exchange Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) restores fail with an error 29


    This problem occurs if the Services for Network File System (NFS) is not installed on the CAS server.


    On the Exchange CAS server, enable Services for Network File System (NFS).

    For more information on configuring Services for Network File System (NFS), see the NetBackup for Microsoft Exchange Administrator's  Guide.

7 Replies

  • Did you get a resolution to this? I'm having the same issue:

    06:04:20 5/19/2010: Restore Started
    06:04:30 (273054.001) Restoring from image created 5/18/2010 4:41:03 PM
    06:05:41 (273054.001) (273054.001) INF - GRE EXITING WITH STATUS = 29
    06:05:42 (273054.001) Status of restore from image created 5/18/2010 4:41:03 PM = failed trying to exec a command
    06:05:42 (273054.001) (273054.001) INF - GRE RESTORED 0 OF 0 FILES SUCCESSFULLY
    06:05:42 (273054.001) (273054.001) INF - GRE KEPT 0 EXISTING FILES
    06:05:42 (273054.001) (273054.001) INF - GRE PARTIALLY RESTORED 0 FILES
    06:05:42 INF - Server status = 5
    06:05:43 ( INF - Status = the restore failed to recover the requested files.
    06:05:43 INF - Server status = 5
    06:05:43 Status of restore from image created 5/18/2010 4:41:03 PM = the restore failed to recover the requested files
    06:05:43 The following files/folders were not restored:
  • Did anyone find a solution to this, Im having the same problem.


    17:26:42 2010-09-22: Restore Started


    17:27:04 (341871.001) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 2010-09-22 16:26:07
    17:28:10 (341871.001) (341871.001) INF - GRE EXITING WITH STATUS = 29
    17:28:11 (341871.001) (341871.001) INF - GRE RESTORED 0 OF 0 FILES SUCCESSFULLY
    17:28:11 (341871.001) (341871.001) INF - GRE KEPT 0 EXISTING FILES
    17:28:11 (341871.001) (341871.001) INF - GRE PARTIALLY RESTORED 0 FILES
    17:28:11 (341871.001) Status of restore from copy 1 of image created 2010-09-22 16:26:07 = failed trying to exec a command
    17:28:11 INF - Server status = 5
    17:28:11 ( INF - Status = the restore failed to recover the requested files.
    17:28:11 INF - Server status = 5
    17:28:11 ( INF - Status = the restore failed to recover the requested files.

    2010-09-22 17:27:02 - begin Restore
    2010-09-22 17:27:03 - restoring image c001_1285165567
    2010-09-22 17:27:07 - connecting
    2010-09-22 17:27:09 - connected; connect time: 00:00:02
    2010-09-22 17:28:11 - restored image c001_1285165567 - (failed trying to exec a command(29)); restore time 00:01:08
    2010-09-22 17:28:11 - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:01:09
    the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)
    2010-09-22 17:28:16 - Error bpbrm(pid=4956) client restore EXIT STATUS 29: failed trying to exec a command 
  • Microsoft Exchange Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) restores fail with an error 29


    This problem occurs if the Services for Network File System (NFS) is not installed on the CAS server.


    On the Exchange CAS server, enable Services for Network File System (NFS).

    For more information on configuring Services for Network File System (NFS), see the NetBackup for Microsoft Exchange Administrator's  Guide.

  • hi,

    yes i did take a look...but in my logs i do not get the following:


    11/12/2008 13:01:35 - Error bpbrm(pid=6388) from client exchange: ERR - Unable to initialize nbfsd.

    so i'm not sure it if is the same or not.

    looking into all things NFS with our Admins now.


  • I do believe you meant to post this reply here:




    It may also be beneficial to actually start a new discussion for your issue. This could prevent any future confusion! If you do, don't forget to include all pertinent info such as NB versions, O/Ss involved, what you've tried etc. Just a thought!