Forum Discussion

pmendez's avatar
Level 3
7 years ago

Fiber Channel not working on Netbackup

We are trying to enable fiber transport to use our SAN, but when we do we get the following error:

NBU status: 2075, EMM status: Fibre Transport resources are not available

How can we fix this?

  • Hi Pmendez,

    We're a VMware shop, so don't have the experience with Hyper-V - but I've been through the relevant doco that should help get you started.  The two documents below should give you what you need, and hopefully those with Hyper-V can chime in with other helpful hints.

    According to the first link (Page 18, last bullet point), you will need to use the SAN Client feature:

    "To perform Hyper-V backups with the SAN Client feature, install SAN Client on the Hyper-V server. Do not install SAN Client on the virtual machines. For more information on SAN Client with Hyper-V, see the NetBackup SAN Client and Fibre Transport Guide."

    That should get you your SAN based backups.  Restores will still go via LAN, as noted on page 19 (5th bullet point):

    "NetBackup for Hyper-V does not support restores with the Fibre Transport data transfer method."

    NetBackup for Hyper-V Administrator's Guide (Release 7.7.1)

    NetBackup SAN Client and Fibre Transport Guide (Release 7.7)

    For improved performance, I would also suggest that where possible you use additional features, such as Dedupe and Accelerator.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Pmendez,

    Providing some information about your environment, and not just the error message is always helpful.

    • What are the operating systems and versions (Master, Media Server, Client)?
    • What are the NetBackup versions and patch levels (Master, Media Server, Client)?
    • Are you using a NetBackup Appliance for your media server (if so model and NetBackup version)?
    • Hardware brand and model if not an appliance?
    • Do you have the correct license keys installed (eg: SAN Client) installed?
    • Have you checked the hardware compatibility list (Particularly if this is a Fibre Transport Media Server)?

    As you haven't provided your NetBackup version, I've included a link below for the Hardware Compatibility List for 7.7.  This link will take you straight to the Fibre Transport Media Server section:

    Note that Fibre Transport Media Server is only supported on very specific hardware/OS configurations.

    Hope this helps,



    • pmendez's avatar
      Level 3

      Hi Steve,
      Thanks for answering, I've replied below, note that this is working for Linux enviroments but not on Windows.

      • What are the operating systems and versions (Master, Media Server, Client)? Master: Win 2008 R2, MediaServer: Win 2012 R2 Client: Vms in MediaServer (HyperV)
      • What are the NetBackup versions and patch levels (Master, Media Server, Client)? Master: 7.7.3, MediaServer: 7.7.3
      • Are you using a NetBackup Appliance for your media server (if so model and NetBackup version)? No
      • Hardware brand and model if not an appliance? Poweredge R710
      • Do you have the correct license keys installed (eg: SAN Client) installed? Yes
      • Have you checked the hardware compatibility list (Particularly if this is a Fibre Transport Media Server)? Yes

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6


        There seems to be some misunderstanding here - Fibre Transport Media Server is ONLY supported on Linux and Solaris Sparc media servers using specific QLogic hba's only. 

        Are you trying to do SAN backups for this?
         MediaServer: Win 2012 R2 Client: Vms in MediaServer (HyperV)
        If so, how exactly are you trying to enable fiber transport ?