Forum Discussion

drlokke's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

File restores

I am trying to restore a single file to my server from backup. I am running Netbackup 7.5 on Server 2008 R2. When I bring up the restore window I receive the message the server does not contain any backups for the client using the specified policy. I tried this on several servers and I thing I know the problem I would just like some confirmation. Some of my servers work just fine and the rest give me this message. The difference is the ones that work are physical servers and the ones that fail are virtual. I beleive I am missing something that would allow me to restore to a virtual server

  • Reason why browse/restore using BAR on VM fails is documented in NBU for VMware Admin Guide:

    Invalid client error when you restore files using NetBackup BAR interface installed on the virtual machine


    If the virtual machine was backed up by display name or UUID, and the display
    name is not the same as the host name, note: You cannot restore individual files
    by means of the Backup, Archive, and Restore (BAR) interface if the interface is
    installed on the virtual machine itself. The files can be restored if BAR is installed
    on the master server or media server. In this case, BAR must not be installed on
    the virtual machine that you want to restore to.
    To restore files, the Destination client for restores field in the BAR interface
    must have a valid host name or IP address.

8 Replies

  • You didn't say, but are the Virtual servers also Windows?  I only ask because if they are not, the Policy Type needs to be changed to Standard.  That can be pretty easily overlooked sometimes.

  • Sorry. Yes the physical servers are Windows 2003 and the virtual are all Windows 2008 R2. So there is another difference other than just physical and virtual.

  • The BAR GUI will always default to local hostname. So, if you open GUI on the master server, the message is perfectly normal if you are not taking normal filesystem backups for the master. Also normal for virtual machines since the default policy type is MS-Windows.

    To browse for client backups, select File, Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type. 
    Best to use master server BAR GUI to restore VM clients.

  • The screenshot shows the policy type as MS-Windows - if the backup was done using a Flashbackup-Windows or VMWare then it must be selected as that and then once opened you need to select the "normal" backup type to see individual files

    I am also assuming that tspbackup is the name of the Master Server - which it should be - and that the client name has been added exactly as it appears in the policy.

    Hope this helps

  • Reason why browse/restore using BAR on VM fails is documented in NBU for VMware Admin Guide:

    Invalid client error when you restore files using NetBackup BAR interface installed on the virtual machine


    If the virtual machine was backed up by display name or UUID, and the display
    name is not the same as the host name, note: You cannot restore individual files
    by means of the Backup, Archive, and Restore (BAR) interface if the interface is
    installed on the virtual machine itself. The files can be restored if BAR is installed
    on the master server or media server. In this case, BAR must not be installed on
    the virtual machine that you want to restore to.
    To restore files, the Destination client for restores field in the BAR interface
    must have a valid host name or IP address.
  • Thank you. That did it. I was trying to do the restore on the virtual machine that I needed the file on and I just went to the master and was able to get what I needed

  • Hi

    Choose the path where this file was open and the cmd.exe as administrator
    give the command starting with the path eg "c:" then do the command attrib -a -r -h -s -i /d /s and hit enter
    He will restore all lost files.


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