Forum Discussion

Darren_Dunham's avatar
14 years ago

Filelist limit for bpbackup?

I'm doing a backup of a complex set of files.  I'm doing this by putting the name of each file in a listfile and passing that off to bpbackup.

When I fired this off and checked in the activity monitor, the "overview" panel shows many of the files.  But at the bottom it says "file list truncated".

I can't find any documentation on this.  Does anyone know if there is a limit on the size of a filelist that I can pass to bpbackup, or if this truncation is just in the activity monitor and the actual backup is going to read all the files?

Looking in the log doesn't help.  I just see the first file in the log and the tape mount.  It doesn't look like it has tried to process the entire list yet.

If there's a limit to either the number of items or the total number of characters of filenames, I can probably code around it.  But I haven't found a specific mention for a limit on either one yet.  I'm hoping someone knows.


  • I wondering if the file list truncate message is for the GUI list only. Loading massive amount of list data in a GUI may affect stability,  so I guess Symantec put in a limit (still a guess).

    The maximum image size (not file size) for NBU 5.1 is 2 Exabyte,  single file size is 64TB. If there is a limit, it may be very very large.

6 Replies

  • Maybe more useful info in bpbkar on client?

    Please also mention NBU and OS versions.

  • Gah.  Completely forgot to list details of the system.

    Running this right now on Windows client (it's also a media server, but I don't think that's significant).  Version is 6.5.6.  All the files are UNC paths from a datadomain.  There's a ton of files in a directory hierarchy and I'm using a script to pull out a particular set.  I can't just list a single directory without reorganizing everything.  I'd rather just back it up directly.

    Nothing really interesting in the bpbkar logs.  Both it and the bpbackup log are listing each file as the backup runs.  I just fear that the list that bpbackup is operating on has been truncated from the filelist that I passed in. 

  • Certainly no limit mentioned in 6.5 Commands manual.

    Seems like you'll have to wait until the backup has completed... or at least go past the 'truncate' point...

  • I wondering if the file list truncate message is for the GUI list only. Loading massive amount of list data in a GUI may affect stability,  so I guess Symantec put in a limit (still a guess).

    The maximum image size (not file size) for NBU 5.1 is 2 Exabyte,  single file size is 64TB. If there is a limit, it may be very very large.

  • Looks good.

    Yeah, I guess it was just the GUI.  It cranked on the jobs over the weekend and all of them seem good.  My largest job wasn't that big (I break them into 1TB chunks), and only had 211 individual files named in the filelist.  But the file count from bpimagelist and the line count from the filelist all match.


  • yeah i've noticed this to.  Everywhere i've looked for filelist of backed up info its truncated ( i think to the first 50 in the filelist is listed ).  

    If anyone knows a command to list the filelist supplied at backup, for a successful backup ( not checking current policy ) i would find that most useful.  not just the first 50.  ta.