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tarmizi's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

bpbackup not working

Hi all, Need some help here. One of my customer got a backup script that used "bpbackup" command. All this while the script running smoothly and can be seen on Activity Monitor but recently the script seems not running. What could be wrong? This is the command used in the scripts.. /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbackup -p [policy_name] -S [master_server] -h [client] -k "keyword phrase" -t 0 /u01 Client version is Netbackup 7.0 Master/media server is 7.0.1 Thank you
  • Thanks for this information.

    At least now we know that 'bpbackup not working' means that there is nothing wrong with the binary and that it fails with 'Server status = 42'

    Can you please post the contents of this log (/root/backupstatus/backup.log)

    Can we see output of 'bpclntcmd -pn' on the client?
    Can you confirm that the master server is 1st SERVER entry in client's bp.conf file?

    Do you know if there is a firewall between master and client? If so, can you confirm that vnetd (port 13724) is open in both directions? (As from 7.0.1, pbx (port 1556) will be tried first, then vnetd).

    Status 42 means the following:

    network read failed
    An attempt to read data from a socket failed.
    Do the following, as appropriate:
    * Verify that both the client and the server are operational.
    * Resolve any network communication problems.
    * Check the Problems report for clues.
    To troubleshoot, we firstly need to see if the backup request 'arrived' at the master server. For this we need bprd log on the master server.
    If this log folder does not exist, it must be created under /usr/openv/netbackup/logs, followed by NBU restart.
    Create bpbackup log folder on the client under /usr/openv/netbackup/logs, then retry bpbackup.
    Copy logs on client and master to .txt files (e.g. bprd.txt) and upload as File attachments.

9 Replies

  • ... but recently the script seems not running. 

    Not running or failing?

    If 'Not running', how is the script started? Manually?  a third-party scheduler? crontab?

    If 'failing' - with what error?

    Does the policy have a User type schedule that is open at the time when client runs bpbackup?

  • Hi Marianne,

    Its not running...they used third party scheduler to start the script. And the policy is set as User Backup. Am I missed anything?

    Thank you

  • So, can you confirm that the 3rd-party scheduler is actually starting the script?

    Is the script written in such a way that it produces output?

    Is bpbackup the only thing that the script is doing or is it called after some other functions/commands/etc?

    Can you see in script output that bpbackup is called?

    What is the options used with bpbackup? Is -L <logfile> part of the command?
    If so, can you see if <logfile> is created?

    I doubt that the problem is with bpbackup.
    Customer should start troubleshooting with the script.

  • hi Marianne,

    Actually there is a set of menu created in the client site, which is the menu will starts a respective script. What I've been told is that before the backup (bpbackup) menu selected there are some menu need to be performed prior to the backup job. One of them is to stop a service such as Oracle service since they are going to backup the whole Oracle partition (/u01). After the service is stoped, then they choose the backup menu. My customer have tried to start the backup script manually but still nothing appear at the GUI. No -L <logfile> in the command.    

    Thank you

  • Is any output produced when bpbackup is manually executed?

    Does 'bpbackup -help' produce the help screen?

    If NO output is produced, check if bpbackup binary may be damaged. 
    Check file size and compare with other client that is same OS and NBU version.

  • Hi Marianne,

    I've been informed that right after they choose the backup menu, they will wait a few minutes too see wether it will show in the GUI. If not they will run the backup from Netbackup sever where by they right click to the policy and choose "Manual Backup". I am curiuos how they can run the policy manually since the type backup is "User backup". Is there anything that I missed?

    P/S: I will check the size of the bpbackup binary as suggested.

    thank you


  • You need to ask for access to the environment and have a look for yourself.
    W are not going to find out what the problem is with this second-hand information coming through.

    It is possible that there is a normal (full) schedule in the policy as well. This will allow them to kick off the backup from the NBU console.

    We need to find out why bpbackup is not working.

    Firstly test the command with some small folder, e.g.

    bpbackup /tmp

    What happens?

    If this works, we need to see the command that is called from the script and if any output is produced. Best to add -L Mlogfile>

    If manual bpbackup is not working (no output and npthing in activity monitor), you need to check the binary size and compare with other similar system.

  • Hi Marianne,

    From what I see in the log file, the command return:

    16:11:21 Initiating backup
    16:11:23 INF - Server status = 42

    we tried to backup /etc/hosts file.

    The command bpbackup -help return us the help screen. Below is the bpbackup command

    bpbackup -p TEST_SKS_Oracle -S rdp-nb -h <hostname> -L /root/backupstatus/backup.log -t 0 /etc/hosts


    Thank you


  • Thanks for this information.

    At least now we know that 'bpbackup not working' means that there is nothing wrong with the binary and that it fails with 'Server status = 42'

    Can you please post the contents of this log (/root/backupstatus/backup.log)

    Can we see output of 'bpclntcmd -pn' on the client?
    Can you confirm that the master server is 1st SERVER entry in client's bp.conf file?

    Do you know if there is a firewall between master and client? If so, can you confirm that vnetd (port 13724) is open in both directions? (As from 7.0.1, pbx (port 1556) will be tried first, then vnetd).

    Status 42 means the following:

    network read failed
    An attempt to read data from a socket failed.
    Do the following, as appropriate:
    * Verify that both the client and the server are operational.
    * Resolve any network communication problems.
    * Check the Problems report for clues.
    To troubleshoot, we firstly need to see if the backup request 'arrived' at the master server. For this we need bprd log on the master server.
    If this log folder does not exist, it must be created under /usr/openv/netbackup/logs, followed by NBU restart.
    Create bpbackup log folder on the client under /usr/openv/netbackup/logs, then retry bpbackup.
    Copy logs on client and master to .txt files (e.g. bprd.txt) and upload as File attachments.