Forum Discussion

bal2's avatar
Level 3
4 years ago

found no images or media matching the selection criteria  (190)

Hi Friends, 

Could really use your help here.

I am trying to duplicate images on datadomain to tape. Using GUI, I have slected imgaes in catalogue, right clicked and duplicate. To  my surprise I get error : 

found no images or media matching the selection criteria  (190)


7 Replies

  • bal2 

    Are the DD images under SLP control ?

    Please show us image info for one of the select images:

    bpimagelist -backupid <image-id> -L

    • bal2's avatar
      Level 3


      Thank you for helping. Applogies for late reply, we are in different time zones. 

      bpimagelist -backupid <image-id> -L , please advise where I can locate imageid. In GUI catalogue I could see backup id. 

      When I ran this command without image id following output : 

      D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist -backupid AS001ADCV0
      IMAGE AS001ADCV01 0 0 13 AS001ADCV01_1612094402 AS001ADCV01_GRT_SystemState_Back
      up 13 *NULL* root Monthly_FULL 0 8 1612094402 3216 1643630402 0 0 106876018 1292
      42 1 1 0 AS001ADCV01_GRT_SystemState_Backup_1612094402_FULL.f *NULL* *NULL* 0 1
      0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 *NULL* 1001 0 0 17709567 0 0 *NULL* *NUL
      L* 0 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 1 0 0
      HISTO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
      FRAG 1 1 106876018 0 0 0 0 @aaaag 262144 0 0 -1 0 1;D
      ataDomain;DFC-FO-DD-255;DFC-FO-DD-255_Pool;SUPPORT_LSU;0 1643630402 0 65544 0 0
      0 6 0 1612097618 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0

      Also I am not sure if its related, All Duplication jobs are stuck in Queued state, some failed with error 190 , rest all in Queued state. Except one job which completed partially. Please note Duplication is from Data Domain to Tapes (LTO7) (Netbackup 8.1.2)

      Appreciate your help as always. 

      * I have cancelled all jobs and restarted from gui by right clicking on selected images under catalogue. Same issue

      * Recycled  netbackup services / media manager device deamon. 

      * Daily catalogue backup to tapes is successful , this rules out any issues with tape library / drive. 

      * Duplication is manual through GUI , no SLP

      **Details for queued jobs : 

      Feb 3, 2021 11:37:10 AM - begin Duplicate
      Feb 3, 2021 11:37:11 AM - requesting resource  New_LTo7
      Feb 3, 2021 11:37:11 AM - requesting resource  @aaaag
      Feb 3, 2021 11:37:11 AM - reserving resource @aaaag
      Feb 3, 2021 11:37:14 AM - awaiting resource New_LTo7. No drives are available.
      Feb 3, 2021 5:34:05 PM - resource @aaaag reserved
      Feb 3, 2021 5:34:05 PM - granted resource  E00067
      Feb 3, 2021 5:34:05 PM - granted resource  Drive001
      Feb 3, 2021 5:34:05 PM - granted resource  New_LTo7
      Feb 3, 2021 5:34:05 PM - granted resource  MediaID=@aaaag;DiskVolume=SUPPORT_LSU;DiskPool=DFC-FO-DD-255_Pool;Path=SUPPORT_LSU;StorageServer=DFC-FO-DD-255;MediaServer=XXhiddenXXX


      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        bal2 Apologies for confusing you.
        Backup ID and Image ID is the same thing.

        You forgot the -L when you ran the bpimagelist command.
        Can you run the command again and post the output, please?

        About queued jobs - you need to check in Job Details to see why the job is queued.

        How many tape drives do you have? On how many media servers?
        Is the DD and tape drive(s) configured on the same media server (MediaServer=XXhiddenXX )?

        The Job details that you posted shows that there was no tape drive available between 11:37am and 5:34pm.

        The last we see is the granting of resources. What happened after that? Did the job progress beyond this point?

        What is logged in the 'Results' tab of the GUI where you started the Duplication?

        Can you show us Job Details as well as Results of a job that failed with 190?

        Last question - Do you quit/close the Admin Console after duplication jobs are started?

        We normally see useful duplication info in the admin log on the master server.
        So, please double-check that you have all of these log folders in place:

        On master: admin
        On media server: bpbrm, bptm, bpdm

        I am curious to know why you are doing manual duplications and not using SLPs ?