Tape model is
tpconfig -l
./tpconfig -l
Device Robot Drive Robot Drive Device Second
Type Num Index Type DrNum Status Comment Name Path Device Path
robot 0 - TLD - - - - /dev/sg6
drive - 0 hcart 2 DOWN - IBM.ULT3580-HH4.000 /dev/nst1
drive - 1 hcart 1 DOWN - IBM.ULT3580-HH4.001 /dev/nst0
HP LTO-5 Ultrium RW
I labled at the end L1 is that a problem? It must be labled L5?
Below is another job error 252. after that other jobs are ended with error code 800
05/11/2015 13:41:36 - Info nbjm (pid=2244) starting backup job (jobid=5817) for client inbmaster, policy meteor_mnt_home, schedule Full
05/11/2015 13:41:36 - Info nbjm (pid=2244) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=5817, request id:{583A7870-F7B5-11E4-BAD1-4BAB0311E526})
05/11/2015 13:41:36 - requesting resource Any
05/11/2015 13:41:36 - requesting resource inbmaster.asicdesigners.com.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.inbmaster
05/11/2015 13:41:36 - requesting resource inbmaster.asicdesigners.com.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.meteor_mnt_home
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - Info bpbrm (pid=16033) inbmaster is the host to backup data from
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - Info bpbrm (pid=16033) reading file list from client
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - Info bpbrm (pid=16033) starting bpbkar on client
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - Info bpbkar (pid=16037) Backup started
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - Info bpbrm (pid=16033) bptm pid: 16038
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - Info bptm (pid=16038) start
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - Info bptm (pid=16038) using 65536 data buffer size
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - Info bptm (pid=16038) using 30 data buffers
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - Info bptm (pid=16038) start backup
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - Info bptm (pid=16038) Waiting for mount of media id 0061L1 (copy 1) on server inbmaster.asicdesigners.com.
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - granted resource inbmaster.asicdesigners.com.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.inbmaster
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - granted resource inbmaster.asicdesigners.com.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.meteor_mnt_home
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - granted resource 0061L1
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - granted resource IBM.ULT3580-HH4.001
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - granted resource inbmaster-hcart-robot-tld-0
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - estimated 1221961036 kbytes needed
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - Info nbjm (pid=2244) started backup (backupid=inbmaster_1431331897) job for client inbmaster, policy meteor_mnt_home, schedule Full on storage unit inbmaster-hcart-robot-tld-0
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - started process bpbrm (pid=16033)
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - connecting
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
05/11/2015 13:41:37 - mounting 0061L1
05/11/2015 13:41:39 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/star_home1/MegaSAS.log. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
05/11/2015 13:41:39 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/star_home1/.DS_Store. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
05/11/2015 13:41:39 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/star_home1/._.DS_Store. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
05/11/2015 13:41:39 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/star_home1/IP_Addresses.txt. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
05/11/2015 13:41:39 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/star_home1/ajitb/.ICEauthority. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
05/11/2015 13:41:39 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/star_home1/ajitb/.Xauthority. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
05/11/2015 13:41:39 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/star_home1/ajitb/.alias. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
05/11/2015 13:41:39 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/star_home1/ajitb/.bash_history. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
05/11/2015 13:41:39 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/star_home1/ajitb/.bash_logout. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
05/11/2015 13:41:39 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: WRN - Could not reset access time of /mnt/star_home1/ajitb/.bash_profile. Errno = 30: Read-only file system
05/11/2015 13:41:39 - Warning bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: WRN - Suspending further messages if reset access time fails
05/11/2015 13:57:11 - Error bptm (pid=16038) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
05/11/2015 13:57:11 - Warning bptm (pid=16038) media id 0061L1 load operation reported an error
05/11/2015 13:57:11 - current media 0061L1 complete, requesting next media Any
05/11/2015 13:57:15 - Info bptm (pid=16038) Waiting for mount of media id 0061L1 (copy 1) on server inbmaster.asicdesigners.com.
05/11/2015 13:57:15 - granted resource 0061L1
05/11/2015 13:57:15 - granted resource IBM.ULT3580-HH4.000
05/11/2015 13:57:15 - granted resource inbmaster-hcart-robot-tld-0
05/11/2015 13:57:15 - mounting 0061L1
05/11/2015 14:12:39 - Error bptm (pid=16038) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
05/11/2015 14:12:39 - Warning bptm (pid=16038) media id 0061L1 load operation reported an error
05/11/2015 14:12:42 - Info bptm (pid=16038) Waiting for mount of media id 0062L1 (copy 1) on server inbmaster.asicdesigners.com.
05/11/2015 14:12:39 - current media 0061L1 complete, requesting next media Any
05/11/2015 14:12:42 - granted resource 0062L1
05/11/2015 14:12:42 - granted resource IBM.ULT3580-HH4.001
05/11/2015 14:12:42 - granted resource inbmaster-hcart-robot-tld-0
05/11/2015 14:12:42 - end writing
05/11/2015 14:12:42 - mounting 0062L1
05/11/2015 14:28:16 - Error bptm (pid=16038) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
05/11/2015 14:28:16 - Warning bptm (pid=16038) media id 0062L1 load operation reported an error
05/11/2015 14:28:16 - current media 0062L1 complete, requesting next media Any
05/11/2015 14:28:49 - Error bptm (pid=16038) NBJM returned an extended error status: All compatible drive paths are down but media is available (2009)
05/11/2015 14:28:49 - Info bptm (pid=16038) EXITING with status 252 <----------
05/11/2015 14:28:50 - Error bpbrm (pid=16033) from client inbmaster: ERR - bpbkar exiting because backup is aborting
05/11/2015 14:28:50 - Info bpbkar (pid=16037) done. status: 252: extended error status has been encountered, check logs
05/11/2015 14:28:46 - current media -- complete, awaiting next media Any. Waiting for resources.
Reason: Drives are in use, Media server: inbmaster.asicdesigners.com,
Robot Type(Number): TLD(0), Media ID: N/A, Drive Name: N/A,
Volume Pool: NetBackup, Storage Unit: inbmaster-hcart-robot-tld-0, Drive Scan Host: N/A,
Disk Pool: N/A, Disk Volume: N/A
05/11/2015 14:28:50 - end writing
An extended error status has been encountered, check detailed status (252)