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VanilaSphere's avatar
13 years ago

Having problem on MSSQL agent backup

Hello Everyone,

I'm new here and this is my first post!! :D


I want to ask experts here about error from backup MSSQL using online agent.

I use NBU extension GUI to create backup script to full backup all DB in default instance.

When the schedule completed the parent job got status 1. Then I look for detailed page and found 1 of my DB cannot backup.


###error messages appear in Job status on NBU extention GUI ###


INFO Error in GetConfiguration: 0x80770003.
INFO The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.

###cut from dbclient log###


12:07:32.258 [8532.6572] <16> writeToServer: ERR - send() to server on socket failed:
12:07:32.258 [8532.6572] <16> dbc_RemoteWriteFile: ERR - could not write progress status message to the NAME socket
12:07:32.258 [8532.6572] <4> dbc_RemoteWriteFile: INF - RemoteWriteFile status = 0
12:07:32.258 [8532.6572] <16> CDBbackrec::InitDeviceSet_Part2(): ERR - Error in GetConfiguration: 0x80770003.



error messages don't make any sense to me.

I tried google and KB but no work.

has anyone experience this before?

please help me D:

PS. sorry for my bad english.

  • Do you see similar error in application event log?

    Something like this:

    <16> CDBbackrec::InitDeviceSet_Part2(): ERR - Error in GetConfiguration: 0x80770003.

    If so, check your task manager whether there is any leftover dbbackex.exe, kill them if there are, and re-run backup.

  • This looks like a timeout. (300 seconds = 5 minutes)

    For large databases, the recommended timeout is 1800.

    Increase Client Connect as well as Client Read Timeout to 1800 on the media server backing up this SQL client.

  • I have tried 900 seconds on backup script but output was same.




    I'm home now and will try 1800 seconds tomorrow.


    I think DB size not big it's only 30GB.

    Thanks for reply :D

  • Do you see similar error in application event log?

    Something like this:

    <16> CDBbackrec::InitDeviceSet_Part2(): ERR - Error in GetConfiguration: 0x80770003.

    If so, check your task manager whether there is any leftover dbbackex.exe, kill them if there are, and re-run backup.


    this is what I see in Windows Application log
    Client initiates abort
    I export app log from DB server but it looks like I forget to save display information.
    This is my guess. I think MSSQL cannot create VDI before timeout. I will try change timeout and let you guys know asap.
  • Please increase timeouts on Media Server in addtition to VDI timeout in script

    We see exactly 5 minutes between last entry in dbclient log and time of failure:


    10:27:30.241 [1072.6652] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1028
    10:32:30.308 [1072.6652] <4> getServerName: Read server name from nb_master_config: RSBACKUPSRV
    10:32:30.308 [1072.6652] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
    10:32:30.308 [1072.6652] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
    10:32:30.401 [1072.6652] <16> writeToServer: ERR - send() to server on socket failed:
  • Hi Marianne.

    I still got the same error even VDI timeout increased to 1800 seconds.

    there are several DBBACKUP.EXE processes in task manager. I'm going endtask them all and try again.



  • PLEASE increase timeouts on MEDIA SERVER......

    Before running another backup, ensure the following log folders exist on media server:

    bptm and bpbrm.

    If backup still fails after increasing media server timeouts, please post a new set of logs:

    dbclient on SQL client, bptm and bpbrm on media server.

  • Thanks Watsons :D

    It's working after I kill all of them (dbbackup.exe).

    Do you know why there are leftover dbbackup.exe processes? Maybe I can prevent this to happens again in future.

  • Glad it helps..  not sure exactly why this happened, but I saw this error the other day in dbclient log in my env.:

    The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.

    So that's how I checked the leftover process and killed them to have it work again. I only saw that twice so far.